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MOBILE PLAYERS: Where's your wedge?

Fri, Nov 29 2024 3:07 PM (68 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,682 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2018 11:01 AM

    And one more thing...

    It's just a minor thing really but I've noticed that since the new edit update, the golf bag is gone (on the equipment display of my profile page) each time I edit something from mobile.

    I know it's useless and I never get to see it on mobile anyway but it is an item I purchased so I want it to be displayed in my profile page at least. Hope it would get fixed as well.

    Now that it's been brought up, why not make it displayed on mobile too? And offer more colours to choose from and grant some abilities like apparels? It will surely increase the sales of bags.

  • AussieMick11
    1,277 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2018 1:08 PM



    G'day mate! :-) Very nice useful video. Well done! Long time no talk.

    Great to see you, Simon! Long time indeed mate. Thanks but I only made the video to replace an old "how to" video I had on my youtube. Get lots of questions in our club about things like that and it's more useful to make a video to explain things, especially when language is a barrier. Hope everything is great with you mate!

    @WGTChampion - thanks for pushing helpful changes on wgt mobile, and for the elevated forum presence. Your work is appreciated. 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,321 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2018 3:29 PM

    Dang - every time I see this heading I think it says "wedgie"!!  I need new glasses.

  • BigJack9980
    28 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2018 5:08 AM
    Champion, no all of my devices are android an I primarily play on two identical ones. Others are for videos. Here is the issue example. Yesterday went to pro shop and bought a new sleeve of balls as I had lost my last one and was back to starter ball, aft purchase I went to equipment to make sure the new ball was selected before playing a match. When it went to edit equipment screen the new normal adv screen appeared and was set back to normal, so had go back to options set it back to advanced and take hybrid back out. I did not change the setting particularly since I know what is required to change there is a glitch in there that changes it back to normal. And it typically occurs after a restart of software. An added element is as long as I do not go into edit equipment the change is ignored and clubs care correct. Its as if after a restart it forgets what Moore its in and defaults to normal.
  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2018 8:39 AM
    It's definately a pita! Can't wait to see what gems we are in store for, when they install the new course!
  • RonaldReagan40
    46 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2018 4:00 PM

    Oh good grief, I just downloaded the update for iOS and it has the same bug. Are you kidding me? I now have a beginner hybrid equipped, all of my friends equipment looks the same as mine too. This is the dumbest, most incompetent update I’ve ever seen. Where is the quality control? How do you manage to roll out to iOS the same broken update you rolled out to android? 

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2018 4:38 PM


    Oh good grief, I just downloaded the update for iOS and it has the same bug. Are you kidding me? I now have a beginner hybrid equipped, all of my friends equipment looks the same as mine too. This is the dumbest, most incompetent update I’ve ever seen. Where is the quality control? How do you manage to roll out to iOS the same broken update you rolled out to android? 

    But I explained how to equip your third wedge. There's even a video link in this thread to show you. 


  • RonaldReagan40
    46 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2018 5:25 PM

    I see that. But why roll out a known broken update? And why when I look at other people's equipment does it look exactly like mine? This is the exact issue my friends on android experience. Why not fix it before rolling it out to iOS? 

  • rel228
    2 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2018 6:28 PM

    That does not explain why, in mobile format, when you click on View Opponents Profile it shows your equipment and not theirs, like it used to.

    12-9-18 -   I read, in a different thread, that WGT is aware of the view opponents/friend equipment problem in android format and is working on a patch to correct problem.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2018 10:22 PM

    Said explanation is certainly a valid path to your preferred users' workaround. Alas, why should your clients have to struggle with it in the first place?

    I'm afraid that RR's Q wasn't "how to equip" but concerns the apparent feeble QA for another "betterworsening" software update.

    It's clear as mud that you cannot publish the alleged location of that department, even though this might enlighten your audience. <gd&r>