Nancy1959:here is no reason to go there (criticize Alembic), in my opinion.
I did not criticize the player, I questioned why and what is the point.
You have attempted to justify and explain the why....albeit lamely IMO.
Nancy1959:What he has accomplished for his CC is significant and he deserves some "golf claps" for that.
All he/she has accomplished is accruing a lot of XP points which are worthless and pointless. They cannot be redeemed for anything and there are no tangible rewards.
"Virtual Golf claps" are reserved for real achievements, like winning a significant tournament or the like.....or more importantly accolades are for real achievements like Mainzman pointed out.
I have no qualm in people playing clashes, trying to accumulate XP's, trying to have false averages by red tee participation or anything else......
I understand the CC camaraderie, and the recent World Cup was a good case in point, where the best WGT'ers competed in a test of skill, not a test of endurance.
What I find disturbing is anyone who plays WGT for hours and hours, usually alone shows they have an addiction.
Any addiction can be harmful to themselves, their families and friends and again, I would suggest counselling.
Now I do not know the person, maybe there are extenuating circumstances from them leaving the house, but playing any game continuously is not healthy.
Read a book, go shopping, chat to a friend, play with the kids, watch a movie, go outside and smell the anything else that normal people do.....
Everything in moderation they say.
By the way, it was World Mental Health Day a couple of days ago.