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Daily Motivation

Fri, Feb 7 2025 3:45 PM (2,148 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    23,193 Posts
    Tue, Aug 6 2024 11:57 AM

    Tuesday, August 6, 2024

    Harness the energy

    Consider what just happened and ask yourself. What energy do I take from this and how can I make good use of it?

    Success can energize your life, difficulty can energize your life. Frustration energizes you, and satisfaction energizes you.

    Where your energy comes from is not always up to you. Yet what you do with it is very much your choice.

    From the worst days you often end up with the best stories, and powerful, memorable inspiration. Even life’s negative incidents provide you the raw material for positive energy.

    Find the energy that comes with each experience, good, bad, in between, and utilize it. Always have a worthy purpose ready to act upon whenever a new burst of energy arrives in your life.

    When you notice yourself intensely feeling one way or another about something, there’s energy coming your way. Embrace that energy, harness it, and put it to good use.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,193 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2024 12:16 PM

    Wednesday, August 7, 2024

    A future to inhabit

    What has been, has been. For all its flaws, regrets, lost opportunities, as well as for its many benefits, accept the past and move forward.

    Perhaps it would seem desirable to change the past, but can you really be sure what that would gain you? And in any case, it’s not possible.

    Fortunately, you can impact your own future. It’s something you’re able to do every day.

    That’s much more preferable. Because the future is where you’ll live the rest of your life.

    Rather than useless wishing about changing the past, you can act right now to create a future of your choosing. Instead of fighting against reality, you can put it to work for you.

    Transform your thoughts about what could have been into actions that determine what will indeed be. You have a future to inhabit, and it’s as bright as you’re willing to make it.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,193 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2024 11:18 AM

    Thursday, August 8, 2024

    Pushing ahead

    You are on your way forward. Keep going.

    You are doing many things well. Continue with the good work, and add to it.

    You’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. Persist in putting that wisdom into practice every day.

    You’ve accumulated valuable experience. Make good and purposeful use of that experience.

    Despite the numerous setbacks, you know what progress feels like and how to bring it about. Even when you occasionally find yourself wandering off track, you’re able to quickly get back on.

    Today is another great day to be the effective force you know you can be. You’ve successfully made it this far, and now is your opportunity to continue pushing ahead.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,193 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2024 9:24 AM

    Friday, August 9, 2024

    Feeling and thinking

    Emotion informs you, discipline empowers you. Both are necessary, in measured balance.

    Drama inspires purposeful pursuits, and rationality enables effective action. Both have their place, and it’s your place to mediate between them.

    Yes, by all means let yourself feel the feelings. At the same time, do your best to look objectively at the facts.

    Decisions based purely on feelings will leave you powerless. Decisions based purely on facts will leave you empty.

    What’s far preferable to either of those fates is to live a life of wholeness, with thoughts and feelings supporting each other. Embrace the mysteries of life while also recognizing the factual realities of the world in which you live.

    It’s a great wonder of your existence that you can harmonize your thoughts and feelings to consider and support each other. Keep that harmony going, and live in the richness  it enables you to create.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,193 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2024 11:47 AM

    Monday, August 12, 2024

    Patience to be

    Have the patience to be. Let yourself experience yourself as you are, in the world as it is.

    There are numerous improvements you can make. Yet there exists even more goodness that currently is.

    Go deep into the existence that already envelops you. Appreciate the now that encompasses so much life and value and substance.

    Relax the stiffness in your jaw, and let go of the constant thought that you have to be somewhere. For you are somewhere, and it is well worth the entirety of your attention.

    Allow yourself the satisfying wholeness of being. Stop needing and seeking long enough for a healing dose of life’s magnificence to settle upon your soul.

    Gift your life and your world with a little bit of pure patience. Discover again how beautiful it is just to be.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,193 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2024 9:05 AM

    Tuesday, August 13, 2024

    Putting forth the effort

    Steadily, calmly, with purpose and integrity, achieve. Envision a desired endpoint and devote yourself to reaching it.

    There’s no need for a lot of hype or frenzy. Just put the time in, know where you’re going, and get there.

    When a particular task must be done, focus your attention and your effort on it and make it happen. When a challenge pushes against you, allow yourself the flexibility and creativity to work past it.

    You can do this, not just by thinking you can or saying you can, though those things can help. Ultimately, you achieve by putting forth the effort.

    Take the next steps on the journey. Lay the next row of stones in the wall.

    It will happen because you choose to make it happen. Now, re-commit to what you’ve chosen to do, and put forth the effort.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,193 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2024 12:30 PM

    Wednesday, August 14, 2024

    Smart choice

    It’s tempting to do the popular thing, the showy thing, the dramatic thing. What’s always better is to do the smart thing.

    The thrills, fashions and adulations of the moment fade all too quickly. Yet the choices that have been well thought out can result in enduring value.

    A snide comment at just the right time will get you a quick laugh, but nothing after that. However, holding your tongue is likely to earn you respect and genuine admiration that outlive the moment.

    It’s great to have fun, but fun loses its luster when it is all you ever choose. Overindulging feels good while you’re doing it, yet it’s usually something you’ll quickly regret.

    You can often appear smart and sophisticated by thoughtlessly mimicking the words and actions of others. But that could very well set you up to eventually look foolish.

    Instead, give some real, honest thought to your choices. Go with what’s smart, and you’re much more likely to end up with the outcome that’s best.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,193 Posts
    Thu, Aug 15 2024 9:13 AM

    Thursday, August 15, 2024

    Perfect outcome

    You study, plan, organize and prepare so it will all be perfect. But it won’t be completely perfect.

    It will unfold the way it unfolds, which will never be as perfectly as you envision. And that’s perfectly okay.

    There’s nothing wrong with thoughtful consideration and careful, thorough preparation. Except when there is, when it significantly delays or prevents you from ever taking action.

    If you refuse to act unless you’re guaranteed a perfect outcome, you won’t be doing much of anything. Much of the richness that could have filled your world will never be.

    If you insist on being assured beforehand of a perfect experience, you’ve already lost. You’ve denied yourself the value of actually living that experience, and replaced it with a hollow fantasy.

    Work to get it right, to get it excellent, but not so obsessively that you never get it done. Give it your best, and confidently allow life to happen as it will.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,193 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2024 9:08 AM

    Friday, August 16, 2024

    Purposeful action

    More times than you can remember, you’ve set a goal and achieved it. Now you can do it again.

    From efforts that span just a few minutes, to ambitions that take years to materialize, you’ve participated in purposeful action. Continue putting that experience to good use.

    Remind yourself that when your time and your actions have a purpose, life takes on added meaning. Look around and see plenty of opportunities to extend that rewarding way of living.

    Purposeful action is not usually easy or convenient or free of complications when you’re immersed in it. Yet almost always, the results are worth your trouble.

    Most of the good things in your life exist because someone chose to make a positive difference. That’s a choice you can make again and again.

    This place, this time, this situation and the people who share it can benefit from your positive, purposeful intervention. Challenge yourself to envision what’s possible, then act on it.


    — Ralph Marston


  • nonstoptaxi
    52 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2024 2:06 AM

    Lets end it here,  


    who ever wants to read this doods daily babble can go read it here. 



    Life does go on


    I hear by set you free Ms Chipper 

    you have invested lot of time and energy copy pasting since 6 years.