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Daily Motivation

Tue, Oct 8 2024 12:45 PM (2,071 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    23,008 Posts
    Fri, Nov 18 2022 8:52 AM

    Friday, November 18, 2022

    Living and giving happiness

    No situation on its own will make you happy. Right now there are people living in the most ideal situations you can imagine, who are miserable.

    It’s great when you can make improvements in your life and in your world. Take care, though, not to pin all your hopes on anticipated improvements that may or may not materialize.

    If you envision your happiness as existing only in some other place or time or circumstance, it will always elude you. To experience happiness, stop chasing it and start living it.

    Happiness comes not from what you’re looking at, but from what you choose to see. See it, be it, live it where you are, doing what you’re doing, in the world as it is.

    Embrace the reality of right now. Allow yourself to recognize the beauty, the possibilities, the opportunities for living and giving happiness.

    Rather than imposing conditions on happiness, let it be. Let it be now, let it be here, let it be you.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Zzyzx01
    1,297 Posts
    Fri, Nov 18 2022 1:33 PM

    Has anybody taken the time to say thank you for posting "The Daily Motivation"?  If not, let me be the first.   Thank you and I enjoy reading them.


  • Ladychipper
    23,008 Posts
    Sat, Nov 19 2022 11:09 AM

    Hi Henry,

    I am sure that over the years some have thanked me.  It has just been a while. 

    Thank you for stopping by and enjoying the "Daily Motivation" posts. 

    Marion :-)

  • Ladychipper
    23,008 Posts
    Sat, Nov 19 2022 11:09 AM

    Saturday, November 19, 2022

    Seeds of fulfillment

    By fully appreciating what you have, you gain access to what you seek. Embrace all that is, and you find within it viable pathways to the best that can be.

    What you yearn for is already yours in many ways. See it not as something separate from you but as a part of you that you can work to more fully express.

    The seeds of your fulfillment have been there all along. Nurture them with your gratitude, your effort, your passion, and let them bear fruit.

    You exist in a specific moment, yet your mind and your heart are easily able to transcend time. Through a connection held open by your deepest purpose, energy and meaning traverse the past, the present, and the future.

    Right now you can feel that connection and make use of it. Gratitude, hope, wisdom, and love combine together into a powerful force.

    Deploy that force across time and space in the service of meaningful purpose. From the best of who you are, and have been, and will be, comes all the unique and immense good you do.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,008 Posts
    Mon, Nov 21 2022 9:05 AM

    Monday, November 21, 2022

    Power of precision

    The more precise you are, the more successful you’ll be. While a vague objective may point you in a good direction, a detailed, specific goal enables you to achieve exactly what you seek.

    Ambiguity is a breeding ground for excuses and negligence. Precision, on the other hand, compels you to make a commitment and to stick with it.

    Precision communicates confidence and competence to yourself and to others. Precision creates and enforces high standards.

    Precision facilitates understanding and cooperation at the most profound and practical levels. Precision can detect both accidental mistakes and intentional deceptions before they cause widespread damage.

    It’s important to pay attention to the big picture. Yet to actually achieve that big picture you must also focus on getting the specific details right.

    Think precisely, speak precisely, act precisely. Utilize the power of precision in all you do.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,008 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2022 11:27 AM

    Tuesday, November 22, 2022

    Get it right

    Spend your time getting it right. Put forth your effort to do it right.

    Sloppiness is an insult to your own abilities, to the people around you, to the value of life. Rather than merely saying you care, demonstrate your care by getting it right.

    You’re pressed for time and short on other resources. That’s a common reality but it doesn’t constitute permission to offer anything less than your best.

    The work is confusing, complex, and frustrating. Nonetheless, you’re up to the challenge of pressing through and getting it right.

    It’s such a waste to do anything halfway when you have the opportunity to give it all the care, attention, and focus it deserves. Solve current problems and avoid unnecessary future ones by doing what’s required to get it right.

    Transform every effort into a source of value and satisfaction for you, for others. Do what you must to get it right.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,008 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2022 9:29 AM

    Wednesday, November 23, 2022

    Care enough to keep going

    One attempt gets you started, and a dozen attempts show you’re serious. A hundred attempts earn respect and generate momentum, and with a thousand attempts, you’re highly likely to create lasting value.

    Once is a good start but it’s almost never enough. Achievement comes more from persistence than from just about anything else.

    You may not know every answer, but you can always keep going. Your strengths and skills can run into limits, but your persistence never has to.

    When your first effort fails, the second effort can be quite difficult. Yet as difficult as it may be, still it is possible, and powerful.

    When you persist, you keep open the path to success. When you persist, you’re able to transform disappointment into progress, misfortune into fulfillment.

    Focus on meaningful purpose and persist in bringing it to life. Care enough to keep going, and you’ll arrive at some amazing places.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,008 Posts
    Sat, Nov 26 2022 8:26 AM

    Saturday, November 26, 2022

    Utilize today

    This is your one chance to put life and richness and value into today. Make the most of it.

    Here in front of you are hours and minutes that will never come again. They contain unique opportunities you can utilize to the benefit of yourself and others.

    Today you can finally undertake what you’ve been putting off until later. Today you can identify specific actions that will improve your world, and you can take those actions.

    Today you have more experience, more knowledge and a more clearly defined sense of purpose than ever before. It would be a shame not to put all that to good use.

    Put yourself in a position where you can look back on today with satisfaction and gratitude for all you did with it. Though it’s one day out of many, it’s the one you now can work with, and one that can make a big difference.

    What could you work to create, improve, support or replenish today? Here is your moment to get started.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,008 Posts
    Mon, Nov 28 2022 11:09 AM

    Monday, November 28, 2022

    Real treasure

    What you treasure is what you invest yourself in. What you treasure is what you work and wait and sacrifice for.

    A time, an activity, an object is not special just because someone says it is. It is special because of what you give to it.

    On its own, an elaborate display or a sumptuous feast has no particular meaning. The meaning comes from the long stretches of day-to-day living that get you to it.

    Every minute of every hour is your opportunity to create real treasure. That treasure is built upon your effort, your time, your sincere caring, responsibility, and love.

    Empty, glittery things quickly fade back into the insignificance from which they came. What you put your life into, on the other hand, grows in meaning, substance, and value.

    Do the work, shoulder the burdens, give yourself to what demands the best of you. That’s where life’s real treasure is made.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,008 Posts
    Wed, Nov 30 2022 9:13 AM

    Wednesday, November 30, 2022

    Take the pressure off

    There’s more than enough pressure coming from others, so let go of the pressure you’re putting on yourself. Free up significant bandwidth in your awareness.

    You get the work done by doing it, not by going overboard on pushing yourself to do it. Push yourself to get started, then back off and allow the effort to take on a life of its own.

    Put your energy into wondering, imagining, acting and responding rather than into worrying and trying. Focus not on resisting any particular thoughts or efforts, but on expanding and extending the best ones.

    You won’t create any extra time by fretting that you’re progressing too slowly. Proceed with the assurance that you’ll get it done when you get it done, and that can help you move forward more quickly.

    Embrace higher and higher standards of performance for yourself. Enjoy the challenge of doing so willingly, free of self-imposed pressure and coercion.

    Encourage and support your own efforts, your own journey. Take the pressure off and experience achievement as you bring it about.


    — Ralph Marston