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Sat, May 7 2022 5:53 PM (542 replies)
  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Wed, Nov 7 2018 4:48 AM

    Hi Doc

    Disturbing news is reaching my ears. I hear our friend and intrepid man of action Bare Thrills is out and about. I'm only guessing here but I don't think OPYs mastered sleeping standing up yet. He possibly went for a short "sleepwalk" and stepped on one of the left over charges.

    Intrepid man of action Bare Thrills has been snapped trying to pull someone resembling OPY out of a bunker, where he'd plugged.

    Is that a nightcap or does OPY sleep wearing a fez ?  Anyway, the rescue was a success but at the moment their whereabouts are unknown.

    I have my other ear to the ground, I'll keep you posted . . . 



  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2018 4:41 PM

    Great just great.

    Sorry Doc but the tent you gifted me from Down Town Dry Cleaners is ruend .  Set up temp camp 50 yards + /-  from what was left . climbed into the new tent ( just wide enough for my sholders )  and try this sleep standing up thing .  1st impresions were the clear fabrik you could kind of see thru and the print on the out side  ( ! yot a ton si sihT  ) . <   din not take long to pass out     " fall " asleep . I fall out of the new tent cause this standing up thing does not work . Silly me ,,, move the tent up two the next branche and sit on the first one . Im so smart . NOT !!   once more i fell out of the tent .  climb back up thinking maybe we should move up one more level ,,   

    Some where on the 3rd branche  a crazy squirel started to talk to me about nutty days of old .. Thats when I lost my footing ..  Laffing so as I fell out of the Tee     tree on the way down . As a history will pass before your eyes after climbing said tree you will see on the trip back to the begining . 

    Long story short ,,  New tent in a tree did not work , ended up walking / stumbleing  around with what was left . last thing I remember after that was some guy named bear pulling out a a trap .

    Great just great .


  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2018 4:09 AM

     Sorry Opy, but you grabbed the wrong box out of the Jeep. That one had Icon's dry cleaning in it ( BTW, what did you do with his tutu, oh never mind, sry I asked ). So anywhose , here's your new digs.

    Doc :)

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2018 3:47 PM

    It's my fault.

    Not at all  . You asked a friend for a little light is all , and Doc is the kind of friend you could ask for a loan of a dollar and he would hand you a $10 . 


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2018 4:10 PM

    Intrepid man of action Bare Thrills has been snapped trying to pull someone resembling OPY out of a bunker,

    I remember this now . kind of sorta , after falling off the 4th branch , That crazy squirl was pelting me with pine cones and I started to run , dark and dazed I saw a glow and went that way only to find embers of the last camp .  I looked down to see that the one shoe on the wrong foot was untied , 


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2018 4:23 PM

    you grabbed the wrong box out of the Jeep.

    My bad , that other box looked to big for a tent .

    That one had Icon's dry cleaning in it ( BTW, what did you do with his tutu,

    What tutu ?   Never saw it and have no idea !     (  SSsssHhhhhhh , just between you and I after the good,s cool off look for it on the WGT trader page ,,,  )  .



  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2018 4:51 PM

    here's your new digs.

    Thank you Doc !  I place this in the top 13 gifts in my 9 years here so far .. A bouncy brand Hello Kitty house . no shoes requiered . A blow up place to call my own , remembers of a doll called sally but thats a different story ! .  off to figurer out the new tent and a place to camp .

    Thank you .



  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2018 5:55 PM

    Invertory ,  New tent , one shoe , so thats 10+ 1 so far , lint in my pocket is good fore two = 13 , - the branches - 4 = 9 .  new bace camp will be in the 14th .


  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Sat, Nov 10 2018 1:35 PM

    Hi OPY

    Happy to hear all is well


    I remember this now . kind of sorta , after falling off the 4th branch , That crazy squirl was pelting me with pine cones and I started to run ....

    Darn critters can get kinda protective there I've heard



  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2018 4:21 PM

    Great just great . 

    Start setting up on the 14th two days ago only to find out my New Hello Kitty bounce house / tent need,s a 110 outlet to plug into for set up to run the filling fan . To make a long Xtentshun cord story short -- Clubhouse closed  , cord is a pitch shot too short .  Im smart If I plugin over by the golf carts the short cord will reach , And the plug is marked 240V , Thats better that n 110 right ?  Not , after pluging in there was a flash ,  . the cord started a fire and " That " tree is toast , ( Note to self , watch for pissed off Squirl  ) .

    .  Chapter Two of day 3  great just great .

    Into to camp stumbles this guy in a old holloween costume  of a canada mounty , like I got time fore this ,  Said his name was Harvy or what ever and started to ramble on . best looking bla bla , friends bla bla , money bla bla bla & bla , and some more bla mod want to be . as he went on and on about he is a one of a kind I hooked up some parts from the still     water filltration and collected the " Bla,s "  , Little did I know but all the bla was Hot Air . My New tent went up like a baloon over doseing on Heliume . one of the tie down straps to sakure from high winds tangled at the very top of a nother tree . Like I am going there after the last time I spent time in a tree . Henry or what ever his name was then pissed on my pillow of pine mulch and said some day when bla and stumbled away . 

    Great just great 
