alberich35:And Navajo people are immigrant in United States, that is well know.
Now I know your head is straight up your french ass . What kind of an idiot would make statement like that ?
No editing necessary for my statement .
IMHO . This requires an apology by you . The sooner the better . They have very unpleasant ways to deal " Man with forked tongue " .
Sorry Mr, but when i read that in Wikipedia:
"Besides English, Spanish, French, German, Navajo
and other Native American languages, all other languages are usually
learned from immigrant ancestors that came after the time of
independence or learned through some form of education."
I undederstand that Spanish, French, German are native languages in America and alls other Indian people are immigrants coming after the time of independance.
Ce qui est plus confortable que reconnaitre les avoir massacrés..
About apolozy ...il me semble n'avoir insulté personne, contrairement à vous. Alors restons en là et gardez vos éventuelles excuses dont tout le monde s'en contrefout.