Better call MIT and tell them that they made a mistake.
Like we've said all along.. there are programs that hit the ding. So? That doesn't help you with the various and sundry other calculations on this course.
Did you notice that the 'cheater' in the YouTube video played BPB #1? The flattest green there?
Let me quote to you what HE says..
cheat:As far as calculating trajectories and wind speeds and other factors it is near impossible to recreate a program to calculate this as I have looked into it.
Oh, and lets not forget programmed deviations, VEM, "the beast" or any other number of variables.
As said in numerous other posts, just hitting the ding might take a few strokes off your round, but it damn sure isn't going to put you in the low 50s like the experts we have around here.
Besides, most of the low scores don't play the ding.... they play off to compensate for wind, lie and approach... but of course you know better... I guess "Good Will Hunting" has nothing on you, huh?