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Level 83 with only 36 ranked rounds played.

Thu, Jun 16 2011 4:17 PM (21 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Sun, Jun 12 2011 2:00 AM

    The community spotlight is usually a right who's who of WGT dodgy dudes. Almost every time I check there's a hack or amateur with a 60 or 62 average, usually with only a few rounds played.

    I really don't think it's possible to shoot such low scores straight away with the beginners gear unless you've been playing here before and have started a new account.

  • TJSeals
    2 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 3:55 PM

    I tell you what i do know FOR SURE  there is a program available that allows people to CHEAT in this game , so do not think that all the people that is shooting these low scores are LEGIT because some are CHEATING , that is a fact plain and simple and i hate it , sad that some people have to cheat at a GAME . But its true 

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 11:05 PM


    I tell you what i do know FOR SURE  there is a program available that allows people to CHEAT in this game , so do not think that all the people that is shooting these low scores are LEGIT because some are CHEATING , that is a fact plain and simple and i hate it , sad that some people have to cheat at a GAME . But its true 


    Come on, let's see your proof.  You "know FOR SURE" that people are cheating.

    There's a program or two that helps you hit the 'dinger'... but that doesn't help you putt.  The best players on this site 1 putt everything.  That's where they make their living.  It also doesn't help you with the wind, roll out on the fairway or club selection...

    They play dozens of rounds a day.... you've been here 2 years and played 55 ranked games.

    I think this is a case of: "I can't do it and they can.. they must be cheating."

    Grow up.


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 11:38 PM

    There's a program or two that helps you hit the 'dinger'


    I have to say (as I had before), if someone could ding my putt shots for me, I' know I'd knock several strokes off each round.


    I don't know if these "dinger" programs are all or nothings, but I do know that if I had a "dinger in my putter", I'd be golden.


    I don't care which side of the fairway I'm in, on the approach...7 feet from the hole or 15 feet...but line a putt up, miss the ding and lip out 3 or 4 times a round...Ya...I could see it being a benefit.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 10:30 AM


    I have to say (as I had before), if someone could ding my putt shots for me, I' know I'd knock several strokes off each round.

    Ok, fair enough.. but do you think that it would make the difference between your average and a 56?  In all conditions and all courses? Consistantly?

    Probably not.

    Even if I had the putt dinger, as you mentioned, and took several strokes a round from my average, I would still be a below average golfer here... as I'm guessing most would.

    Those folks in the rarified air of BiB etc do it consistantly... and until they write a program that dumps the ball in the hole, there's no way 'mortals' are going to catch these guys.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 11:16 AM

    Ok, fair enough.. but do you think that it would make the difference between your average and a 56?  In all conditions and all courses? Consistantly?




    not :)


    But it'd make RG's consistently profitable for me if I stayed in the 30-31 range, but for every 30 I shoot, there's two 34's where I don't break even on credits.

    I'm not trying to equate the "ding-cheat" with a high 50's average, but I do think if used, it still gives an unfair advantage to the user.



  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 11:20 AM

    I have to say (as I had before), if someone could ding my putt shots for me, I' know I'd knock several strokes off each round.

    I don't know if these "dinger" programs are all or nothings, but I do know that if I had a "dinger in my putter", I'd be golden.

    I'm with you on this Baggs!  I just tracked my dings the last two days.  I missed the ding 59% yesterday and 65% this morning (a 68 on CCC qualifier with 4 bogey in a row on the back due to missed dings/fwys/greens/putts).

    You miss a fairway in these qualifiers par is good.

    You miss a green in these qualifiers par is very good.

    If I ding or just miss on an approach from the fairway, like Baggs, I'm pretty close.  And I see those lip outs on missed dings on putts.

    A fair estimate, IMO, is missing the ding costs me 3 to 4 shots per 9 consistently.

    I don't need a 56 average to be competitive, a 60 avg. works with an occasional 57 or 58 in multi-play tournaments.

    I wish.



  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 12:43 PM

    Ok, fair enough.. but do you think that it would make the difference between your average and a 56?  In all conditions and all courses? Consistantly?


    Okay Gentlemen, here it is...quite simple really..a JAVA Applet that swings your club for you, and PUTTS for you too....It was advertised as QUALIFY FOR THE VIRTUAL OPEN !

    It's an overlay that works with your Sun Java Console: undetectable without a doubt, as it is merely an overlay and not a hack into the GUI.

    Now, you cannot tell me that there are not people on here that are not using it.

    If this does not resolve the question of whether or not such programs exist, then I should give my degree back to MIT and stop working in the Computer Forensics field.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 2:06 PM

    Better call MIT and tell them that they made a mistake.

    Like we've said all along.. there are programs that hit the ding.  So?  That doesn't help you with the various and sundry other calculations on this course.

    Did you notice that the 'cheater' in the YouTube video played BPB #1?  The flattest green there?

    Let me quote to you what HE says..

    As far as calculating trajectories and wind speeds and other factors it is near impossible to recreate a program to calculate this as I have looked into it.

    Oh, and lets not forget programmed deviations, VEM, "the beast" or any other number of variables.

    As said in numerous other posts, just hitting the ding might take a few strokes off your round, but it damn sure isn't going to put you in the low 50s like the experts we have around here.

    Besides, most of the low scores don't play the ding.... they play off to compensate for wind, lie and approach...  but of course you know better... I guess "Good Will Hunting" has nothing on you, huh?

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 3:47 PM

    Did you notice that the 'cheater' in the YouTube video played BPB #1?  The flattest green there?

    Wow!...Snaike!  You made the mistake.  Both #2 and #3 are flatter than #1.

    Besides, I agree with CS as he simply said it exists and there are people using it.  I don't see where he said they shoot low 50s either.  And as I said above, hitting the ding would take more than "a few" strokes off my round.

    Go play.