andyson:Still on the rebound from Lizzie dumpin' ya and your blow up doll lost at sea eh?
Now here I make an innocent comment about the 2011 Masters and you go and say that?
Well let me tell you sumpin cowpoke...
Don't squat with yer spurs on. Ya might jab your ownself.
The only good reason to ride a bull is to meet a nurse.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Never drive black cattle in the dark.
The biggest troublemaker you'll ever deal with watches you shave his face every morning.
When in doubt, let your horse do the thinkin'.
It's better to keep your mouth shut an look stupid than open it and prove it.
And as far as Lizzie goes:
There' are two theories to arguin' with a woman. Neither one works.
You got a mouth like a crocodile but you quack like a duck...I reckon that makes you a....

CrocoDuck !