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Suggestions for the Mobile WGT

Mon, Aug 8 2016 12:03 PM (17 replies)
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  • sky0diver
    119 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2016 6:29 PM

    Certainly agree with most that has been said.

    Turning the silver coins into balls is however not going to happen guys. The coins are too easy to accumulate and if you play the "high stakes" coin games you end up with a huge pile of useless coins (I currently have close to 2 million,- for which I could rent the green coin gear set for 4 years :-) ).

    so that will defeat the purpose of the game owners to generate revenues for equipment and balls, which is fair enough as they need to make a living of course.

    What I mentioned before is that the mobile platform should include the option to play for credits, like on the PC version. This would make the silver coins obsolete anyway as nobody really cares about them.

    Graphics and ability to play without glitches is certainly way superior in the mobile version and this is where I believe the development efforts should be spend ...

  • jacksparrow44
    56 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2016 6:47 PM

    Can you remove the flag when playing on a mobile?


  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2016 8:10 PM

    Yes, just click on the flag icon.

  • TecheMan
    3,921 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2016 8:56 PM

    I have a couple of ideas. 

    1. Let's let mobile players play match play and alternate shot and skin games like PC. 

    2. Put in a driving range I which we could pay a minimal fee to test clubs in the pro shop and have a full club testing facility with sand traps, pins at different distances and a putting green. 

    3. How about a long drive contest where members of clubs or on WGT could get together and create a long drive contest and compete for credits. 

    4. What about a clubhouse chat room for each club so it would be easier for players to set tee times and play together. 

    5. A skills challenge test. You guys are creative I think y'all could come up with something fun. 


  • jacksparrow44
    56 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2016 10:46 AM


    Yes, just click on the flag icon.

    Do you mean the little yellow one with WGT on it?

    That doesn't work. I can't see any other flag icons, clicking the one on the green doesn't work either.


  • jacksparrow44
    56 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2016 10:49 AM

    will the samsung vr gear head device work with the game.

  • borntobesting
    9,762 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2016 11:36 AM



    Yes, just click on the flag icon.

    Do you mean the little yellow one with WGT on it?

    That doesn't work. I can't see any other flag icons, clicking the one on the green doesn't work either.


    No it is the small blue flag between the wind indicator and the yardage indicator. You can remove the pin by tapping it at anytime. Just checked and it still works.

  • jacksparrow44
    56 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2016 12:03 PM

    Thanks guys,

    I've found it now :) That is small.

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