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Suggestions for the Mobile WGT

Mon, Aug 8 2016 12:03 PM (17 replies)
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  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,712 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 1:12 AM

    I've always been a mobile player and I'm glad to see some progress made in the mobile version lately, the TopGolf Driving Range* in particular.
    (* I read in a thread that it's the TopGolf Facility located in Scottsdale, Arizona.)

    I'd like to suggest some more features & options to the company in hopes of improving the mobile WGT:

    [1] Practice-Mode Option in the TopGolf Driving Range
    : Currently, there is only a casual target-hitting game available. I love to play & compete with other users, but sometimes I need to be alone at a driving range taking my time, hitting balls and getting to know my equipment. I know a driving range has been suggested for a longtime by many and now we've got the perfect facility for it so why not using it wisely?

    [2] More Forms of Play
    : Stroke Play, CTTH and Match Play are the forms of golf available in mobile right now. It would be great to have Blitz, Alternative Shot and Skins Game for mobile as well. It will definitely make WGT THE ULTIMATE MOBILE GOLF GAME for all!

    [3] The Use of Coins
    : I truly don't understand what the coins are for. They just keep on being heaped up and up because I've got nowhere to use them, other than renting those coin clubs. (Sorry, but I just hate their ridiculous colours and no thanks, I've got my own clubs.) If the coins could be used for buying balls at least, I would comprehend their value of existence. Even if you charge more when purchasing balls with the coins, let's say 35,000 coins for 100 credits, I'll still spend them. This is only an example crossed my mind and I'm sure many have other ideas to make the coins more useful.

    [4] Avatar's Outfit & Golf Bag
    : My avatar in mobile always wears the same sombre, drab shirt and pants no matter how I change them. And the nice black golf bag I bought him, he never brings it out to the course in mobile. This is really a minor issue, but it can be easily fixed if the game developer wants to. I guess it's only a matter of earnest efforts.

    [5] Availability of More Golf Courses
    : In my opinion, all the courses will eventually be available sooner or later as WGT gradually shifts the main platform from natively unstable PC browser flash to more stable & accessible mobile. Anyway, the sooner they're available, the better it is, but I can wait for this one.

    [6] Localization
    : If the option to change GUI display language is added, it will attract millions of non-anglophone users for sure! Most of my allophone friends who tried WGT liked the game very much without having any language problems, but unfortunately everyone is not blessed with language abilities. Although it isn't a rocket science to comprehend English involved in the game, they simply don't feel comfortable enough, thus wish to have it in their own language. I'm willing to volunteer and assist WGT for GUI language expansion other than just English, Spanish, German and French.

    I don't know if the users' suggestions are really reached to the WGT development team, but these are the areas where I believe improvements should be made.

    Thanks for reading.

  • Mdmedlin
    14 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 3:09 PM

    I totally agree with the white coins that WGT gives us.  I think that being able to buy balls with them would be a great use.  Right now, the coins just sit in the bank slowly dwindling away as I lose match after match.  The clubs I have now are better than the ones I have the ability to rent.  You could make it the 10 credit balls for 100 or 1000 white coins.  That would give some people motivation for playing the matches and Top Golf.

    And on the subject of Top Golf, it's free to play, so take your time and get to know your clubs.  I rented some new irons for free and went to top golf to find out I don't really like them, so use the free aspect of it while it is still available.  The others that are playing for coins will appreciate that you have added someone to increase the purse ;)


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,712 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2016 4:07 AM


    And on the subject of Top Golf, it's free to play, so take your time and get to know your clubs.  I rented some new irons for free and went to top golf to find out I don't really like them, so use the free aspect of it while it is still available.

    Yeah, you can do that, but when I practice, I don't want to rush or be interupted by time limit.

    Good hitting, Mdmedlin. :)

  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2016 9:52 AM

    In my opinion, all the courses will eventually be available sooner or later as WGT gradually shifts the main platform from natively unstable PC browser flash to more stable & accessible mobile. Anyway, the sooner they're available, the better it is, but I can wait for this one.

    I thought the only two courses not available were Cabo del Sol and Whistler. And I think for the PC version a green fee has to be paid. 

  • roadtoad46
    4 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2016 8:57 PM

    1. I'd like to see my virtual bag in one place so know what I actually have when offers pop up

    2. Ability to turn off chat ... too many trash talking kids with no knowledge of golf etiquette 

    3. Ability to buy a bucket of balls with  the white chips (say 75 for 200 credits

    4. A forum for mobile users as we have unique issues 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,712 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2016 11:04 PM


    I thought the only two courses not available were Cabo del Sol and Whistler. And I think for the PC version a green fee has to be paid. 

    I don't know exactly which courses aren't available in mobile, but I think there are more than just those two. Not sure...

    Do you really pay a green fee in the PC version?! For all courses or just for the above-mentioned two? How much are you paying?

  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2016 10:36 AM


    I don't know exactly which courses aren't available in mobile, but I think there are more than just those two. Not sure...

    Do you really pay a green fee in the PC version?! For all courses or just for the above-mentioned two? How much are you paying?

    I play almost exclusively on my iPad. Until recently, Oakmont was the only course not available (besides the two I've mentioned). Oakmont was just added recently to the app. So I believe they're all there (except for maybe a "best of" course).

    A while back, I saw someone request a refund of 40 credits of their green fees on one of the courses I mentioned because they had a disconnect. I don't know if that's still the cost. 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,712 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2016 11:16 AM


    I play almost exclusively on my iPad. Until recently, Oakmont was the only course not available (besides the two I've mentioned). Oakmont was just added recently to the app. So I believe they're all there (except for maybe a "best of" course).

    A while back, I saw someone request a refund of 40 credits of their green fees on one of the courses I mentioned because they had a disconnect. I don't know if that's still the cost. 

    I see. I play mostly on my LG G4 which is Android, but it should be the same.

    And 40 credits for a green fee is not too bad... I can live with it.

    As always, thanks for the info, Robert. See ya around. :)

  • jessek12
    102 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2016 1:11 PM



    I thought the only two courses not available were Cabo del Sol and Whistler. And I think for the PC version a green fee has to be paid. 

    I don't know exactly which courses aren't available in mobile, but I think there are more than just those two. Not sure...

    Do you really pay a green fee in the PC version?! For all courses or just for the above-mentioned two? How much are you paying?


    Correct, Whistler and Cabo are the only two courses that a greens fee is required for in the browser/PC game. 40C for 9 holes, 60 for 18 I believe...never bothered to pay to play myself. All other courses, including "Best Of" are free. Plus, I think people have been having problems selecting them. Probably not worth worrying about.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,712 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 1:01 AM


    Correct, Whistler and Cabo are the only two courses that a greens fee is required for in the browser/PC game. 40C for 9 holes, 60 for 18 I believe...never bothered to pay to play myself. All other courses, including "Best Of" are free. Plus, I think people have been having problems selecting them. Probably not worth worrying about.

    Thanks for the detailed info. You're right. They aren't worth worrying about.

    Good hitting!

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