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Average required for Tour Champion

Thu, Nov 28 2024 3:16 AM (140 replies)
  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2016 12:45 AM

    These requirements are incorrect

    Me thinks not - they are well proven over the years.

    But, you chose a different way, the "money" way. Beating higher tiers and winning credits(!) tiers players up, too. Alas, there's little facts known about the mechanics.

    Congrats to your promotion!

  • MikeToby
    2,112 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2016 12:43 PM

    There was something in this thread that said there aren't enough Champions yet.  I just looked today and there are 356 champions and that is only up to the C's.  So there are probably several thousand.  Just make the average required to reach Tour Champion a 56 and get people promoted.   If you have a new tier, then use it.  And it definitely should not be by invitation to get to Tour Champion.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2016 2:49 PM
  • SoCalJim23
    430 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2017 6:26 PM

    As far as I know......WGT has yet to publish any criteria to go from the Champion Tier to the Tour Champion Tier.

    I do believe that to become a "TOUR CHAMPION", it's by Invitation from WGT only.

    I looked up the on the WGT list of players......there is ONLY (1) Tour Champion shown. She is a Level 104 player.  Her avg. has moved slightly up above 57.00.  She joined WGT in January of 2008......8 yrs. ago!!!  You can go study her profile, it might give you some idea of what you might need to do to make "Tour Champion".

    From looking at her "Scoring History" doesn't appear she's playing in Country Club games.....but, instead is playing WGT Tournaments (on Championship Speed Greens).

    She has also posted approx. 2,000 games in the TOP 10 and 2000 games in the TOP 100.

    Just an FYI.....currently, there are approx. 1,600 "Champion Tier" players here on WGT.

    I know of a WGT Champion, who is Level 139, who I feel should be invited by WGT to be a "Tour Champion".  He is YOBAN.  He has hit over 24,400 ranked rounds....and has incredible stats!!!

    Just today, as a Champion Tier player....I reached an Average of 56.99.....but, I'm not going anywhere.....LOL.



  • gonfission
    2,257 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2017 7:11 PM


    Iconian, L 104, is icon's alter ego


  • tennentssuper
    63 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2017 6:38 PM



       You need to play at least 5 ranked rounds as hack to saturate before reaching Amateur.
      When your average score is equal or smaller than 100 you go from Hack to Amateur.

        You need to play at least 10 ranked rounds as amateur to saturate before reaching Pro.

      When it is equal or smaller than 80 you go from Amateur to Pro..

        You need to play at least 20 ranked rounds as Pro to saturate before reaching Tour Pro.

      When it is equal or smaller than 72 you go from pro to Tour Pro.

       You need to play at least 25 ranked rounds as Tour pro to saturate  before reaching Master.

      When it is equal or smaller than 67 you go from Tour Pro to Master.

    Something's wrong there as I turned Master around 69th-70th ranked round. You can even double-check this, by consulting my score history.

    Fix: yesterday I counted something like 80-90 ranked rounds needed to turn Master. Don't know how got there. My bad. It's correct.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2017 3:01 PM

    It requires 25 Ranked Rounds played as a Tour Pro and lowering your average down to or below 67 to advance to Master.  Your stats show your total Ranked Rounds from when you started playing, not the number in a particular tier.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2017 3:06 PM


  • tennentssuper
    63 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2017 4:15 PM


    It requires 25 Ranked Rounds played as a Tour Pro and lowering your average down to or below 67 to advance to Master.  Your stats show your total Ranked Rounds from when you started playing, not the number in a particular tier.

    True that. Don't know what calculation I made to bring up that number. Must have added another 20.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2017 9:36 PM

    As far as I know......WGT has yet to publish any criteria to go from the Champion Tier to the Tour Champion Tier.

    Well, technically, I don't think WGT has posted criteria for any of the tiers.

    True! These lists have been worked out by the players, and the best official confirmation available is that the mods sometimes point to them as "good hints" or similar.

    In fact, TC is the only tier where the criteria have been officially posted:

    "By appointment" and "not in use".

    Apart from the employee Icon, it has been awarded only once, posthumously