Cicero733:The email notification you are looking for stopped a number of months ago. Why is anybody’s guess
Like I said, all my fan mail, due to my recent, long overdue, Stardom, crashed the servers and damage the POP (or whatever) files...
Cicero733:On moderation, have you ever sent a request directly to wgtchamp or other WGT personalities?
No, I have not made a formal request to be removed (never thought of doing that). I just assumed when I eventually matured, and had some ambit of self control (not to mention political correctness) and, of course, didn't ramble on so much, WGT would release me from moderation. To be honest, I am a little afraid of flying free...I am quite sure there is a valid reason I am moderated, most like due to the inability to moderate myself.
Cicero733: I was moderator for 3 years until I sent a message asking if I could be removed.
I am assuming you meant you were being moderated for 3 years. If you were a moderator, why would you ask to be removed? I am sure moderators don't moderate moderators unless the moderator needed to be moderated in which case they should have never been a moderator.