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Average required for Tour Champion

Thu, Nov 28 2024 3:16 AM (140 replies)
  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Wed, Nov 3 2021 11:34 AM

    The email notification you are looking for stopped a number of months ago. Why is anybody’s guess. But as of right now it is not active.

    On moderation, have you ever sent a request directly to wgtchamp or other WGT personalities? I was moderator for 3 years until I sent a message asking if I could be removed.

  • HamdenPro
    2,531 Posts
    Wed, Nov 3 2021 2:42 PM

    I don't rely on those. I use the "Active Threads" link on the right regularily, and if you want to concentrate on "your" threads, there is "My Discussions", too

    OK, never thought of that, duh....

    Checked it out, very cool, tyvm.

    Keep it up and you may win a round of 9 with me...

  • HamdenPro
    2,531 Posts
    Wed, Nov 3 2021 3:00 PM

    The email notification you are looking for stopped a number of months ago. Why is anybody’s guess

    Like I said, all my fan mail, due to my recent, long overdue, Stardom, crashed the servers and damage the POP (or whatever) files...

    On moderation, have you ever sent a request directly to wgtchamp or other WGT personalities?

    No, I have not made a formal request to be removed (never thought of doing that). I just assumed when I eventually matured, and had some ambit of self control (not to mention political correctness) and, of course, didn't ramble on so much, WGT would release me from moderation. To be honest, I am a little afraid of flying free...I am quite sure there is a valid reason I am moderated, most like due to the inability to moderate myself.

    I was moderator for 3 years until I sent a message asking if I could be removed.

    I am assuming you meant you were being moderated for 3 years. If you were a moderator, why would you ask to be removed? I am sure moderators don't moderate moderators unless the moderator needed to be moderated in which case they should have never been a moderator.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Nov 3 2021 10:18 PM

    Keep it up and you may win a round of 9 with me...
    Too much - I'm content to stand in the starlight of yours!

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Nov 3 2021 10:39 PM

    I have not made a formal request to be removed (never thought of doing that). I just assumed when I eventually matured, and had some ambit of self control (not to mention political correctness) and, of course, didn't ramble on so much, WGT would release me from moderation. To be honest, I am a little afraid of flying free...I am quite sure there is a valid reason I am moderated, most like due to the inability to moderate myself.
    Your situation may have different causes.

    If you have been on moderation from the beginning (seven years!?), it should be easy to be released by asking a mod directly, as you post regularily now and there seems to be no questionable content.

    If they imposed a moderation ban on you some time after, it would mean that there was some cause - however incomprehensible - and it might take some time to be lifted, i.e. between months and years.

    Good luck!

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Nov 4 2021 3:14 AM

    I am assuming you meant you were being moderated for 3 years. If you were a moderator, why would you ask to be removed? I am sure moderators don't moderate moderators unless the moderator needed to be moderated in which case they should have never been a moderator.

    Hmmm if I was a moderator for three years it would probably result in a more than moderate number of people being moderated and the forum very quiet. I can imagine this would likely result in a moderately more senior moderator moderating me.

    I guess the last part of your post covers that.

    I'm moderately sure you're not in moderation for anything you've posted, as others have indicated it'll simply be that you've never come off the initial moderation.  253 posts seems a more than moderate number without, as far as I know, upsetting anyone.

    Very well done getting one of those avatars to look good, and I'm sure it does.


  • HamdenPro
    2,531 Posts
    Thu, Nov 4 2021 12:03 PM

    If they imposed a moderation ban on you some time after, it would mean that there was some cause - however incomprehensible


    No comment.


  • HamdenPro
    2,531 Posts
    Thu, Nov 4 2021 12:30 PM

    I'm moderately sure you're not in moderation for anything you've posted


    Umm, No Comment..

    I am somewhat moderately sure the moderators know how to moderate and, if I had some ability to self moderate, I would not be in moderation, atleast I moderalty thing I would not be in moderation but I would have to ask a moderator, specificially the moderator moderating me becasue I cannot moderate myself, if that is the reason that I am in moderation.  I am moderatly sure that my rant on moderation makes atleast, moderatley, some sense.

    Very well done getting one of those avatars to look good, and I'm sure it does


  • tored111
    18 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2022 6:13 AM

    1st you have to get to champion level once you get there you play till you get your average and then in my case i got tour champion level at 55


  • jessegolfwizard
    1 Posts
    Fri, Feb 16 2024 1:38 PM

    I played 1000 rounds as a Champion and my average didn't stabilise .. I emailed WGT and  this changed in 2 days. (1017 rounds) ...

    I would support the statement by JD.

    I have my own formula for working out average dropping.  In short 27500 strokes over 1000 x 9 hole  rounds  will give you an avg. of 55.   To reduce your handicap by .01 you need to shoot 5 strokes under your current handicap e.g 5 x rounds -1 below your handicap will reduce your handicap by 0.01, 1 round of -5 = -0.01.  

    NB your handicap will come down faster after you populate the ranked rounds to 1000.  This is because your worst scores are eliminated  by your better scores.  

    It has taken me 200 rounds to reduce my handicap by one full stroke and now only 3 round scores of  -9 reduce my average by 0.01  ... keep going JD :)