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Average required for Tour Champion

Thu, Nov 28 2024 3:16 AM (140 replies)
    6,890 Posts
    Thu, Oct 1 2020 4:28 PM


    UPDATE: I have FINALLY saturated at Champ and the reports of 1000 ranked rounds for this MIRACLE to happen  are indeed correct...Whew.... that being said my next question.... what is the average needed for Tour Champ 55.00??   Well I am a Looooong way away at 58....


    Well it's taken some 9 months to get from 58.50 to 55.10 so it's looks as if I will get to 54.99 in due time ....

    So my question NOW is does anyone know how many ranked rounds @Tour Champ before you average stabilizes....Or maybe it does not reset once your reach TC??


  • AlaskanDame
    19,793 Posts
    Thu, Oct 1 2020 5:35 PM
    Or maybe it does not reset once your reach TC??
    Oh, yes - - - it re-sets --- see my average, lol!
  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Oct 1 2020 10:10 PM

    it's looks as if I will get to 54.99 in due time ....
    The required average as a Champ is 55.000 precisely. Given the saturation no. of 1,000 rounds, you'd hardly ever see 54.99 before turning a TC.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Fri, Oct 2 2020 1:51 AM

    What JD is asking is once you have achieved Tour Champion tier is there a Saturation point as a TC? Or does you AVG as a TC fluctuate up/down forever? 

  • Connorjwebb123
    469 Posts
    Fri, Oct 2 2020 2:05 AM
    It’s 200 rounds to saturate JD
  • HamdenPro
    2,531 Posts
    Fri, Dec 18 2020 8:26 PM

    As always, I am late to the party...I may have written this on October 3, 2020, but it takes a long long time for the WGT Guardians to review my post b4 allowing it...It happens everytime....and I know its personal!!!!

    Ok, to the point...I am all very confused by how many post it takes, or how many rounds it takes or saturation stuff...I will say, the lowest my average has ever been was 62, after a Legend, unbeknownst to me, let me win in match play against him a few average went from 68 down to 62 and then, next thing I knew, I went from TM to Legend...since then, my average has been 71  - 72.

    I have been playing PCEA a lot, head to head for weekly coins, showdowns, etc....need mucho coins if I am to look good playing ... (and I do look good playing). My average was 71 just a few days ago.  I wrote to SANTA asking for something to improve my game...the next day, I was a Tour Legend and my average was 66!!!! All true...

    I have been an TL for three days now and my average is already back up to 68 and, if all goes right, should be in the 70s in no time.. is it that I became a Legend and Tour Legend when my averages have never been low enough to advance?  

    Theory 1:  WGT Guardians really really like me...

    Theory 2:  When I asked Santa to improve my game...he did, sorta....

    Theory 3: WGT Guardians really really do not like me....

    10 Posts
    Tue, Oct 26 2021 3:20 PM

    This is correct. I recently became champion and your average even over 750 ranked rounds still moves up and down. I believe after 750 ranked rounds if you have a 59.00 or lower average you will tier up. Because I kept my shot rounds from day one upon making tour legend. I shot well over 1000 ranked rounds. I WAS SITTING AT 59.46 AVERAGE,SOON AS I HIT 59.00 I TIERED UP. NOW ONTO THE 1000 RR FOR TOUR CHAMPION. The way I see it for most players it will make them better players. What I see about the game is this. There are algorithm's ,all designed to be able to make almost every putt and shot. It involves aiming points ,dot speeds, personal calculations, mapping courses, multiple personal notes on all courses and when to hit the dinger , how to mishit the dinger when needed, and practice 2 hours a day, etc. THE TOP PLAYER IN THIS GAME TODAY WILL TELL YOU TWO THINGS,"MOST OF US WILL NEVER REACH HIS LEVEL."AND FEW DO, AND "LEARN HOW TO PLAY IN HIGH WINDS". YOUNG46. THIS DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN'T IT JUST MEANS YOU NEED TO FULLY GRASP IN YOUR MIND THE ACTIONS IN THE GAME I LISTED ABOVE ARE CORRECT AND APPLIED. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE AND HAVE FUN.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Oct 27 2021 7:50 AM

    HamdenPro: is it that I became a Legend and Tour Legend when my averages have never been low enough to advance?  
    As much as I like your theories (and chuckled a lot!), it's this:

    I have been playing PCEA a lot, head to head for weekly coins, showdowns, etc...

    WGT have created an alternative path for those only playing "mobile" games. It looks like "XPs / Levels plus success in the games" is the pathway to stardom!

  • HamdenPro
    2,531 Posts
    Wed, Nov 3 2021 8:01 AM

    WGT have created an alternative path for those only playing "mobile" games. It looks like "XPs / Levels plus success in the games" is the pathway to stardom!

    This late reply is due to the fact that I was unaware of any further post, to this forum, due to the fact that WGT is no longer sending me notifications via email.

    First, let me say thank you for recognizing I am a star.

    Second, does anyone know how I can get notifications, and replies, forwarded to my email. As I stated, I no longer get them. My theory is, due to the overwhelming amount of fan mail I I started to receive, due my recent recognition that I have reached stardom (which, imho, was long overdue), I may have overwhelmed the servers.

    Obviously, if anyone replies to this, based on my calculations, I will have realized there was a reply, and may (or may not) send a reply to the reply to this reply, which was replying to the reply to my first post, which was in reply to someone elses reply to a reply to the original reply to the first post in the thread, on, or before November 9, 2021.

    Oh, and before you reply...YES, I did check the box that says Email me replies to this post.

    P.S.  Can anyone explain why I am the most moderated poster on WGT? 

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Nov 3 2021 10:58 AM

    Can't tell about the emails - just so much: They mess with many things they touch...

    I don't rely on those. I use the "Active Threads" link on the right regularily, and if you want to concentrate on "your" threads, there is "My Discussions", too.

    Both disregard the forum separation and are quite convenient to use.

    Shine on!