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Average required for Tour Champion

Thu, Nov 28 2024 3:16 AM (140 replies)
    6,890 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2020 12:08 PM

    It is 100%  1000 "Ranked" rounds @ Champion to "saturate" then the long climb to get your average below the required 55.00 (I believe)  which I feel I may never see lol ....


  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2020 2:48 PM


    My Avg fluctuated all the way to the day i turned Champion. So i think there is no saturation number for a Tour Legend. That's how mine worked anyway.

    I'm guessing that's probably because your average was below the required average of 59.00. You already had the average and just needed the required number of rounds of 750. 

    For Tour Legend, it has been confirmed by multiple people that saturation is definitely 750 rounds. 

    But again, if your running average is at or below 59.00 as a TL, then you wouldn't see the saturation. You would simply be promoted upon completing the 750th round. 

  • SamSpayed
    5,057 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2020 7:33 PM


    My Avg fluctuated all the way to the day i turned Champion. So i think there is no saturation number for a Tour Legend. That's how mine worked anyway.

    There are actually a couple ways to tier up from TL.  One is saturation (at 750 RR minus Par 3 and Par 5 rounds) plus average, as the chart indicates.  The other is a mystery formula that only WGT knows, which involves how you do against others on mobile H2H play.  

    A member of our CC tiered up from TL to Champion after only a few ranked rounds -- less than 100 IIRC.  But he plays a lot of mobile H2H games, many / most of which are against very good players who are Champions and TCs.

  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2020 7:43 PM


    A while back, I also saw someone on the main boards who is a Tour Champion but literally had only played about a half dozen ranked rounds. 

  • jacktrade51
    11,233 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2020 7:47 PM


    It is 100%  1000 "Ranked" rounds @ Champion to "saturate" then the long climb to get your average below the required 55.00 (I believe)  which I feel I may never see lol ....


    I am reluctant to disagree with anything JDG posts, but I was specifically told by WGT when TC tier was created that the number of rounds to move from Champ to TC was 500.  55.00 average is correct.


  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Wed, Apr 22 2020 9:14 AM


    I am reluctant to disagree with anything JDG posts, but I was specifically told by WGT when TC tier was created that the number of rounds to move from Champ to TC was 500.  55.00 average is correct.


    So, just curious, how were you told? Did they respond in an email to you or on the boards?

    The reason I ask is that would be the first time I ever head of them giving specific information regarding requirements to tier up. They have always said they would not share the information. 

    In any case, the 1,000 rounds number has been confirmed by players. When I asked WGTChampion about the change in number of rounds from 200, the only thing he said to me was that the previous number of required rounds was never intended to be a permanent number and was only temporary until Tour Champion tier was opened. 

    And, by the way, he didn't confirm (nor deny) that the previous number was 200 rounds for saturation at Champion tier. He simply said the number was never intended as permanent. 

  • StickemStino
    122 Posts
    Wed, Apr 22 2020 11:38 AM

    Ahhh....Ty for the explanation was very confused on that.

  • jacktrade51
    11,233 Posts
    Thu, Apr 23 2020 5:26 AM

    So, just curious, how were you told? Did they respond in an email to you or on the boards?

    The reason I ask is that would be the first time I ever head of them giving specific information regarding requirements to tier up. They have always said they would not share the information. 

    1. It was in WGT friends message.

    2. WGT has always been specific on tiering up requirements as it relates to average and # of rounds, except they have reserved the right to tier up players sooner based on unspecified criteria.  The requirements are posted all over various WGT forums.

    3. When they changed the minimum # of rounds from 200 to 500 to move up to Champ and TC last year, several of my club members were affected … for example TL's seeing their average go up.  So I asked.  They answered … and I appreciated that.


  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Thu, Apr 23 2020 7:33 AM

    2. WGT has always been specific on tiering up requirements as it relates to average and # of rounds, except they have reserved the right to tier up players sooner based on unspecified criteria.  The requirements are posted all over various WGT forums.

    The information on the forums is from players and not from WGT. And it sounds to me like the specific information you received in a message is also from a player and not wGT.

    Here's an example of a statement from a WGT moderator:

    We use an algorithm to determine when a player is eligible to move to a new tier, which takes into account a number of factors including number of ranked games played.  These numbers scale by tier, so as it's necessary to shoot a lower average to advance and to play more games to reach higher tiers.  For example, when you reach Tour Master, you will need to play a larger number of ranked rounds than you had as a Master, maintaining a low average, to tier up to Legend.

    Additionally, in response to WGT player feedback about sandbagging (misrepresenting one's true ability to gain advantage by playing at a lower tier from closer tee boxes), WGT is  using more than just ranked stroke play scores to determine each player's average score and appropriate tier ranking.

    For obvious reasons, WGT is not sharing exact details of these changes, but they include factoring in scores from players who perform well in tournaments and challenge games for credits. We still encourage the community's feedback on Sandbagging, but believe this is an important step to reducing the practice and keeping the game fair.

    Finally, most of our top players have posted close estimates for players to try to gauge their progress in advancing tiers. Here is a good thread to read:

    6,890 Posts
    Thu, Apr 23 2020 12:54 PM



    It is 100%  1000 "Ranked" rounds @ Champion to "saturate" then the long climb to get your average below the required 55.00 (I believe)  which I feel I may never see lol ....


    I am reluctant to disagree with anything JDG posts, but I was specifically told by WGT when TC tier was created that the number of rounds to move from Champ to TC was 500.  55.00 average is correct.


    Tom my friend,

      You are "Not wrong" in a way lol.... It "WAS" 500 ranked rounds maybe when you where informed that might have been correct @ the time But....When WGT went crazy and made almost every Champ a TC in one update awhile back (I think it may have been every Champ that had been there awhile or had an average of 55 and under but had not received the "special" WGT invite to the TC status) Anyway when that happened the requirements changed from 500 to 1000 to saturate at Champion...
