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Bed Stu ~

Tue, Mar 15 2016 10:29 AM (53 replies)
  • tubbytubb
    121 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2015 8:24 AM

    Paul,  I usually agree with you, but not this time.


    Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, I've thrown better boots than those in the bin.


    [View: photo beer_zpsloi7u8gw.jpg:550:0]



  • rollone
    783 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2016 3:00 PM

    if you gotta wear boots,....




  • rollone
    783 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2016 3:01 PM

    oops^^^ you get the point


    and no comfort whatsoever

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Feb 10 2016 8:08 AM

    Bed Stu is not for everyone, I'm sure. Prices run from the $150's to $300+. They are imported from Portugal and are handmade by artisans using full grain leather and feature the highest quality, strict old school/state of the art soles and stitching only an expert cobbler could produce. They are equal in quality to names like Cole Haan. Johnson and Murphy, Bass, Church's and other brands of designer fame for excellence, and play second fiddle to none. They market different than anyone I am aware of. They introduce new styles weekly targeted toward the younger, fickle, classy dresser interested in shoewear of obvious quality, styling similar or exact to popular successful shoes of old and update these styles with unique, unusual colors and applications. When worn they attract interest and praise like nothing I have ever known. There on-line catalog provides the shoe lover much to dream about . They have more woman styles than for men. Do yourself a favor and select a pair, and allow yourself to swing into what is happing now. Treat yourself to a new creative you that is current and interesting....highlight yourself with a splash of Uomo fragrance by Zegna and then send a post that says "SP" is always right when it comes to shaping up a man.   ~ SP ~

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Wed, Feb 10 2016 2:42 PM


    Bed Stu is not for everyone, I'm sure. Prices run from the $150's to $300+. They are imported from Portugal and are handmade by artisans using full grain leather and feature the highest quality, strict old school/state of the art soles and stitching only an expert cobbler could produce. They are equal in quality to names like Cole Haan. Johnson and Murphy, Bass, Church's and other brands of designer fame for excellence, and play second fiddle to none. They market different than anyone I am aware of. They introduce new styles weekly targeted toward the younger, fickle, classy dresser interested in shoewear of obvious quality, styling similar or exact to popular successful shoes of old and update these styles with unique, unusual colors and applications. When worn they attract interest and praise like nothing I have ever known. There on-line catalog provides the shoe lover much to dream about . They have more woman styles than for men. Do yourself a favor and select a pair, and allow yourself to swing into what is happing now. Treat yourself to a new creative you that is current and interesting....highlight yourself with a splash of Uomo fragrance by Zegna and then send a post that says "SP" is always right when it comes to shaping up a man.   ~ SP ~

    Do they make flip flops?...I just picked up a pair for a buck at the dollar store...machine crafted and mass produced from the cheapest foam rubber in China...great for the beach, or in the shower...function over form, to be sure..:) 

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2016 6:52 PM

    Do they make flip flops?...I just picked up a pair for a buck at the dollar store...machine crafted and mass produced from the cheapest foam rubber in China...great for the beach, or in the shower...function over form, to be sure..:) 

    Sadly. they have yet to aspire to slip-slops. I somewhat understand your love of them, they produce that real out-doorsy effect, even providing filthy feet at no cost. What I don't get is that men with the most unkempt, boney. size 13, juicey whooplers, sporting toenails that have avoided care, insist on wearing them into restaurants...mostly dudes that usually forget to lift the stool-seat...but for a buck, genuine "made in China", I suppose it makes sense. I couldn't stand that rubber strip in between my toes. Thank you no. But If you wish to step it, Bed Stu makes sandals, but I can't stand the looks of them unless I want to dress as a hippie or someone from the days of Moses. BUT NO ONE IS PERFECT.

    ~ SP ~


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2016 7:13 PM


    So how r u doing with your  recent deal that came up SP?

    A simple OK, So SO, or Not well is cool!

    edit: Or "None of yer business" of course....>smile<

  • vinceyboy
    25 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2016 9:21 PM

    Hey Big Guy Dan, I have yet to hear about X months to or even the terminal word. I feel really good most of the time and I'm taking about 20 different pills a day, one of which is for pain and is a narcotic (take two a day) ... when pain hits I take one, sometimes 5 in a day if pain comes around without being bashful, believe me. I had one Dr. try to lecture me on it and I straightened him out...believe me. He made the mistake of thinking the tail was in charge...simple mistake. As for anything else I am not playing any real golf and I've lost about 20 lbs down to 90lbs now, so I suppose my tee game is toast. Aside from these things, I am happy, my attitude is positive and whatever happens, I'm cool with it and un-afraid no matter what. Life is good and I'm enjoying WGT again. Thanks again Fat Dan as I approach my night pills, two which make me sleepy and slow witted.

    ~ Lily ~

  • vinceyboy
    25 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2016 9:22 PM



    So how r u doing with your  recent deal that came up SP?

    A simple OK, So SO, or Not well is cool!

    edit: Or "None of yer business" of course....>smile<

    Hey Big Guy Dan, I have yet to hear about X months to or even the terminal word. I feel really good most of the time and I'm taking about 20 different pills a day, one of which is for pain and is a narcotic (take two a day) ... when pain hits I take one, sometimes 5 in a day if pain comes around without being bashful, believe me. I had one Dr. try to lecture me on it and I straightened him out...believe me. He made the mistake of thinking the tail was in charge...simple mistake. As for anything else I am not playing any real golf and I've lost about 20 lbs down to 90lbs now, so I suppose my tee game is toast. Aside from these things, I am happy, my attitude is positive and whatever happens, I'm cool with it and un-afraid no matter what. Life is good and I'm enjoying WGT again. Thanks again Fat Dan as I approach my night pills, two which make me sleepy and slow witted.


    ~ Lily ~  And I see my brother played a game and forgot to check out, He did it once before and got his butt chewed out...time to chew again but he has already left 

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2016 10:53 PM


    Do they make flip flops?...I just picked up a pair for a buck at the dollar store...machine crafted and mass produced from the cheapest foam rubber in China...great for the beach, or in the shower...function over form, to be sure..:) 

    Sadly. they have yet to aspire to slip-slops. I somewhat understand your love of them, they produce that real out-doorsy effect, even providing filthy feet at no cost. What I don't get is that men with the most unkempt, boney. size 13, juicey whooplers, sporting toenails that have avoided care, insist on wearing them into restaurants...mostly dudes that usually forget to lift the stool-seat...but for a buck, genuine "made in China", I suppose it makes sense. I couldn't stand that rubber strip in between my toes. Thank you no. But If you wish to step it, Bed Stu makes sandals, but I can't stand the looks of them unless I want to dress as a hippie or someone from the days of Moses. BUT NO ONE IS PERFECT.

    ~ SP ~

    "juicey whooplers" ?

    I may have to google that