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Genre Music

Thu, Oct 22 2015 1:26 PM (15 replies)
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  • 1enigma1
    486 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2015 12:54 PM


    These are all helpers, no doubt. But all these wonderful vids yet no one bit for the "Homer and Jethro" groove...odd ;-}

    i remember these :)  ..                                                                                                                          


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2015 1:23 PM

    hmmm...before my time, I think...I never heard of em anyway.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2015 2:12 PM



    These are all helpers, no doubt. But all these wonderful vids yet no one bit for the "Homer and Jethro" groove...odd ;-}

    i remember these :)  ..                                                                                                                          


    Thanks Enig;-}    You see, to me those two define SKA

    ~ Lily ~


  • 1enigma1
    486 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2015 2:56 PM

    those gents were my Pops style of music, im a product of the 70s,  if you think  H&J are Ska " happy hour " musta definitely started already  :))   , ive had a few Miller Lites myself lol , heres one i listened to in Jr High ..                                                                                          

                                                      Ska has influenced bands like Sublime                                                                                    
                                                         save ferris                                                                                                                                                
                                                     & of course no doubt                                                                                                                             
                                                           you notice they use horns or trumpets a lot  

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 11:00 AM


     You see, to me those two define SKA

    ~ Lily ~

    The only problem with that definition is that what they are playing and singing is not ska music.

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 1:26 PM

    Fwiw,Best of Ska

    Sample a few of these Lily, an' I thinks you'll be " Skaducated " in no time.

    Doc :)

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