JLeary1: Maybe try reading for once:
Lol... A 2010 blog? Did you read the replys by joshdura from Adobe?
You obviously lack understanding of how complex the WGT 'stage' is or how many resources it utilizes.
I suppose my tenure at Adobe as a Computer Scientist and a subject matter expert is trumped by your reading comprehension skill set.
In response to your comment, minus the parenthetical comment.
JLeary1:Seeing as so many are hell bent on believing that fixing the memory leaks will solve the GCOD crash
Yes, I do, because the Gray Circle of Death only appears in the browser when the Player is running in a very low memory environment. It is the signal that Flash is protecting your computer from an application that is asking for more memory than your browser has available.
Putting it simply: it is a matter of garbage collection. I'd be more than happy to go into an in-depth discussion of application memory allocation, should you so desire.