On seeing your screen capture, I sent my avatar post haste to investigate.

Nows, I ain't sure but I'm thinkin' they might be sprinkler heads, what be confusin' me is why they'd put two so close together. I'll take a look from your avatars coordinates an' see if we see what we're seein'. See ya.
Update: Went to have another look see an' that durn sure looks like a whole 'nuther hole

Ran outta shots, but, I just gotta see if the ball will drop.
Edit #2:
The hole is there, but the ball will not drop, an' it gets real weird. From one side of the hole you get the green read, from the other, chip read. A putt hit @1.5 ft. might go 1"or 2", or, it might sail past the hole 3.5'. At one point it looked like there were three holes strung out in a line, plus the one with the flag. Gotta call in the team.
Doc :)