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Chambers Bay Golf Paranormal - US Open Major Championship 2015 - Post Here!

Wed, Jul 15 2015 6:46 PM (24 replies)
  • dandycap
    1,830 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2015 6:22 AM

    Wholly holes Batman!!...    I got terribly distracted Yancy and did a double take the other day while putting on the 7th green at Chambers Bay.    This paranormal or whatnot just couldn't be.   All I could think of was a 3-4 inch ball bearing from an alien vehicle hit the ground next to me.    After a couple of shots from my liquid fixer upper I was able to relax & make my putt.    --  just dandy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2015 1:35 PM


    On seeing your screen capture, I sent my avatar post haste to investigate.

     photo f02949bd-e5ce-4039-8579-26bbdbe6711d_zpsvkv6buxw.jpg

    Nows, I ain't sure but I'm thinkin' they might be sprinkler heads, what be confusin' me is why they'd put two so close together. I'll take a look from your avatars coordinates an' see if we see what we're seein'. See ya. 

    Update: Went to have another look see an' that durn sure looks like a whole 'nuther hole

     photo Xtra hole_zpspckc6jco.jpg

    Ran outta shots, but, I just gotta see if the ball will drop.

    Edit #2:

    The hole is there, but the ball will not drop, an' it gets real weird. From one side of the hole you get the green read, from the other, chip read. A putt hit @1.5 ft. might go 1"or 2", or, it might sail past the hole 3.5'. At one point it looked like there were three holes strung out in a line, plus the one with the flag. Gotta call in the team.

    Doc :)




  • BaaBaaBoom
    578 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2015 2:52 PM

    Update: Went to have another look see an' that durn sure looks like a whole 'nuther hole

    is it a marker to show where the fairway ends and the green starts..??

  • dandycap
    1,830 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2015 2:59 PM

    Careful doctor....    I think it might be a worm hole.   Yes, your ball will drop and when you try to retrieve it, you get pulled in.   Please contact me from the other side.    --  just dandy

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Thu, Jun 18 2015 12:45 PM

    I have no idea what these things are, but, here's the line up. Anybody ?

     photo 420holes_zpso02w7msw.jpg

  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Thu, Jun 18 2015 12:58 PM

    I got terribly distracted Yancy and did a double take the other day while putting on the 7th green at Chambers Bay.    This paranormal or whatnot just couldn't be.   All I could think of was a 3-4 inch ball bearing from an alien vehicle hit the ground next to me. 

    Yikes - I didn't see this until now and whatnots Dandycap. Probably better cause I would have been in an Alien Anxiety mode the whole drive up to Chambers yesterday. I am going to look over the good work here of Doc Moose. Excellent findings Dandy!
    Have a drink on me - send me the tab and I will pay for it please.

    Sincerely, I am Yancy

  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Thu, Jun 18 2015 12:58 PM


    I have no idea what these things are, but, here's the line up. Anybody ?


    they are sprinkler heads

    just outside the white dots that define the green


  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Thu, Jun 18 2015 2:24 PM

    Good call Oily,

    That was my first guess, I was thrown off by some of the positioning, and apparent differences in size and appearance, but, I think we have a winner ! Don Pardo is otherwise engaged, or, I'd have him tell you what you won.

    Doc :) 

  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Thu, Jun 18 2015 6:31 PM

    Chambers Bay U.S. Open Golf - Team Yancy Arrives (mostly)

    Looking to park & enter Chambers Bay golf course, Yancy & Medford Mel have a sudden paranormal experience. Watch as they somehow get off-course and find themselves inside a very unique cemetery.

  • hpurey
    11,520 Posts
    Fri, Jun 19 2015 8:20 AM


    I have no idea what these things are, but, here's the line up. Anybody ?

     photo 420holes_zpso02w7msw.jpg

    Watch out for these!