Now this is giving me the genuine willies heres. Now as I was using the google mapper deal on the internets to "walk"around Chambers Bay so I know which mounds would be the best to squat for both golf and paranormal observationables. So I use the man in yellow to walk the street level and come up what be looking like a nice perch hill.
Then I see this. Looks to be a small child in a stroller, but wheres the adults?
You can do full 360 spins and look up down alls and whatbnots - down the paths, anywhere you can imagine and NO Parents/Adults around.
Could this be a child spirit who perhaps haunts the course?
Gonna have trouble sleeping
Will check back for any inputs and such. I dont want to talk about this - hope someone can take a peek a round verify my paranormal panic.
Encouragables given to try it yourself the link below will take you all up on the googler maps right to this picture arena.
Felling Little Anxiety, I am Yancy

Here what is the linker that will put you on the googler maps right here like ups:,-122.57369,3a,75y,176.32h,52.75t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sSlbvnaiFZY4AAAQfDQ78Dg!2e0!3e11?hl=en