Scott my friend, you're making MY head spin with this stuff!
Geeky fun.
Put andyson in a spin!

INSTRUCTIONS : (works in Chrome, not sure about other browsers)
the text in blue below, hit the F12 key to open up the browser
developer tools and click on the console tab or icon. Paste the copied
text into the console, hit the enter key, then close the console using
the 'X' (close). Hover your mouse over the washing machine to send icon
on a spin cycle. : )
var orange =
function myFunction1(){ = "border-radius: 50%;position:
relative;top: -167px;left: -4px;"};var apple = function
myFunction(){ =
"rotatez(9000deg)"; = "transform 5s"};var pear =
document.getElementsByClassName("wmachine")[1];var banana =
document.getElementsByClassName("Andyson")[0];pear.onmouseover =
apple;pear.onmouseout = orange;
LMAO! Where do you get this stuff? !
Yep, works in Chrome. The Console is different in Firefox though and I haven't figured out the Paste into the Console part.