Yasch:After reading this thread,I decided to head out to Pinehurst to see what I could find by going off the beaten path, and lo and behold on #8
Nice work Yasch!
This one is set farther away from the tree base than the others so far, I think
Which makes a feller think we need someone who is good with responsibles & whatnots to be the OFFICIAL list-maker of who found - will find each egg on all 18 of these golfing holes and whatnots.
Now I would straight-up volunteer, and I will begin this list on the urgents. But, it will probably have a few mistakes as we go so speak-up if you see something wrong on what will be named something appropriate. That can come later - gonna brew some Folgers here and get this thing going (beta).
Can someone volunteer to be the "Official List Maker" - YES, message me please or postables here or yell out your window whatevers it takes. I don't wanna mess this thing up and such people.
Sincerely, Yancy
Threw sumpin up right quick - this is a return edit (not time-travel that's different)