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Pinehurst Easter Egg

Wed, Mar 30 2016 11:07 AM (215 replies)
  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 9:50 AM

    I am not ready to talk about this - but had to share it:

  • MisterWGT
    122 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 11:34 AM

    Very impressive find! 

    When at Pinehurst, I kept hearing drunken local rumors of the infamous and elusive rabbit and it's treasured eggs (i.e. alien pods). Little did I know that our team would have captured such a rare sighting... let alone a hidden treasure on all 18 holes!

    Happy hunting!  And Yancy... if you overlay the layout of said "pods" it could be a star pattern.  Just saying.

    - MisterWGT

  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 7:25 PM

    Very impressive find!

    On behalf of everyone involved here 2 words: "Thanks!"

    Credit for finding & reporting the first egg and getting this investigatable ramped up into a community wide hunt must go to WGTer "TLC1961"

    Your team of photographers/staff must also be noted for capturing Pinehurst #2 in its true entirety and whatnots! Great work - as always.

    Also, now we have another example of why the community at large is perhaps the best "internet community" that there ever has been. Many many players jumped right into the hunt - even before we isolated what we were lookins at and what might be placing these colorful things on the course! So many jumped all up into into the hunt that I (my name is Yancy) could not possibles list em alls here.

    One Example: "BradWiz" determined to see if there were more "eggs" was at +44 when he found the second of these "eggs" and such.

    When all 18 are mapped and documentables are firm, then we can look at the bigger picture here. Then we can answer the questions that keep us all up at night.

    As you mentioned "if you overlay the layout of said "pods" it could be a star pattern." That there makes a lot of sense, and I thinks theres sumpin bigger going on here than what we be seeing nows.

    Now, again I am not saying that Aliens could be dressing up as rabbits and doing "pod drops" as part of the ongoing colonization of Earth via golf courses disguised as Easter Bunnies. But.....As "Dr.Moose" said these colorful objects are "eggstra-terrestrial"

    This is not over - stay tuned for what will be some intriguable findings as we all go hunting and start looking at things more closelier. I am cereal.

    Sincereally, I am Yancy

  • Yasch
    310 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 9:45 PM

    After reading this thread,I decided to head out to Pinehurst to see what I could find by going off the beaten path, and lo and behold on #8


  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 10:36 PM

    After reading this thread,I decided to head out to Pinehurst to see what I could find by going off the beaten path, and lo and behold on #8

    Nice work Yasch!
    This one is set farther away from the tree base than the others so far, I think

    Which makes a feller think we need someone who is good with responsibles & whatnots to be the OFFICIAL list-maker of who found - will find each egg on all 18 of these golfing holes and whatnots.

    Now I would straight-up volunteer, and I will begin this list on the urgents. But, it will probably have a few mistakes as we go so speak-up if you see something wrong on what will be named something appropriate. That can come later - gonna brew some Folgers here and get this thing going (beta).

    Can someone volunteer to be the "Official List Maker" - YES, message me please or postables here or yell out your window whatevers it takes. I don't wanna mess this thing up and such people.

    Sincerely, Yancy


    Threw sumpin up right quick - this is a return edit (not time-travel that's different)


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 10:36 PM


    After reading this thread,I decided to head out to Pinehurst to see what I could find by going off the beaten path, and lo and behold on #8


    Another great find by a player, + 25, you really went out there searching!


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 11:21 PM


    Such a positive subject, and two official posts on a Sunday!

    Forget about any broken "Nation" promises, accept the company's endurant silence concerning issues like undue delays in CC pass emissions (among others).

    Easter Eggs display the real spirit of C.S.:

    Have fun!!

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 12:44 AM


    You da man!!!

  • ScottHope
    10,614 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 1:08 AM

    Hole No 1.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 6:01 AM

    I found the egg on # 2   .  left side , 209 to the pin .
