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Tier progression

Sun, Nov 3 2024 5:01 PM (179 replies)
  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, Oct 25 2019 4:30 AM

    I beg to differ. These two match:


    I was moved to tour pro with 79.4, just when my level became 50. 

    Mobile tiers up by Level and not average until Legend or later.

    Most important word is the first: "Mobile"

    For them, WGT had to invent a progression rule independent of scores and averages, as they may play only practice rounds in HTH and coin rooms. They link it to the levels. Whenever you see a tier higher than Hack with a 150 average, think of it!

    PC players don't experience this, so there may be high level TPs or Masters, as long as they don't play mobile (... too much, as no details are public).

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Fri, Oct 25 2019 6:12 AM



    I was moved to tour pro with 79.4, just when my level became 50. 

    Do you play mobile?

    Mobile tiers up by Level and not average until Legend or later.

    I wonder if the new app is going to do that. I am almost L-125 at TL with 750 RR Approx. My average is at about 60 and need to get it down to 59. I'm only an average player at best, so this could take some time.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Fri, Oct 25 2019 2:56 PM


    I beg to differ. These two match:


    I was moved to tour pro with 79.4, just when my level became 50. 

    Mobile tiers up by Level and not average until Legend or later.

    Most important word is the first: "Mobile"

    For them, WGT had to invent a progression rule independent of scores and averages, as they may play only practice rounds in HTH and coin rooms. They link it to the levels. Whenever you see a tier higher than Hack with a 150 average, think of it!

    PC players don't experience this, so there may be high level TPs or Masters, as long as they don't play mobile (... too much, as no details are public).

    I'm wondering where you got the information to draw those conclusions.  The misfits, are predominately mobile players, and we have at least 5 players, that are masters or lower tiered, and all of which are level 92 plus, one is over the 100 level mark.  I can name at least 5 others that are the same,  which leads me to believe, that the info that you were given, is definately suspect.  You are correct, in saying that the criteria, is for sure secret. 

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Fri, Oct 25 2019 4:02 PM

    Right on the nose Lucky, in the mobile game tiers are not tied to levels!! As those of us that actually are mobile players know that's ridiculous asi've seen lvl 104 masters and i was promoted to legend half way between 89 and 90. I'm sure each mobile players experience is different. The only truth we know as Lucky said is that it's a wgt secret.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2019 12:01 PM

    Don't know what you put in doubt here.

    It's obvious and proven that players with 150 or other high averages playing mobile games (mostly or only) and not ranked rounds, are promoted by level, just like the TP above.

    The misfits, are predominately mobile players, and we have at least 5 players, that are masters or lower tiered, and all of which are level 92 plus, one is over the 100 level mark.  I can name at least 5 others that are the same,

    Probably, they play enough ranked rounds to escape that rule.

    This is the complete list of Misfits >L92 who are lower than Legend tier:

    "Stri...", Master @L108, has played 8,124 ranked rounds but stays above 63.
    "MrN...", Master @L95, is similar. 406 RRs.
    "Ben...", TM @L94, has played 843 RRs.
    "Sho...", TM @L93, 741 RRs
    "BL...", TP @L92, 111 RRs.

    Two are a tad different, but their RRs may suffice to escape:

    "Gol...", Master @L93, 62 RRs
    "MrD...", Master @L93, 65 RRs

    There's no indication how these players rose to L93. Stroke play practice rounds, CTTHs or "mobile" games?

    You are correct, in saying that the criteria, is for sure secret. 
    They are undisclosed by WGT, but the community has found out many, if not most of the clues.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2019 12:12 PM

    What ever, there is far too many members out there, that are low tiered and have high levels, for what you're saying, to be difinative.  

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2019 12:31 PM

    Of course it's not definitive, but it looks like strong evidence concerning the players that you(!) named in the first place.

    'nuff said!

    Gonna leave you alone in your disbelief.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2019 1:05 PM

    My point was that you can be low tiered, and carry a high level, without being promotedout to be clear I named no one !!!!!!! 

  • pmm711
    5,785 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2019 5:03 PM

    Really....who the F cares?  There's some algorithm and people advance, sandbag, or stay put as the system allows. 

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2019 11:25 PM

    My point was that you can be low tiered, and carry a high level, without being promoted
    I agree to this fact.

    My point was that you missed my argument about mobile promotion despite high average, and the limits which I named.

    out to be clear I named no one !!!!!!! 
    You pointed to several players in your CC - easy to identify & check by sorting the list by level.

    You're good, man!