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Mapping: L85 Nike Irons + L81 Nike Balls (Community Sourced Project)

Tue, Aug 3 2021 2:47 PM (30 replies)
  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 2:02 PM


    -Members have decided that results will eventually be made public.

    -I've added our protocol to the original post. 

  • ThreeSpot
    476 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 2:39 PM

    Hey, glad to hear that LSU. I sent you 3 sleeves. Should be interesting!

  • sarak362336
    1,597 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 3:49 PM

    I really can't believe I'm reading this..... 

    As the owner of Tower Bridge, London - I am prepared to sell it if someone is willing to gift me 100 sleeves of level 61 Nikes, this doesn't have to be an individual and can be a community project.......

  • NiFromFb
    89 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 4:34 PM

    100 sleeves of level 61 Nikes

    Is that the lowest you'll go? Very interested. I've always wanted a bridge. The price seems a little steep, though.

  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 5:07 PM

    Thanks guys, the quota has been met.  I'll be in contact with members via private message while also keeping this thread up to date.  

    Timeline - expect to hear an update by the end of this weekend.  It's probably going to take me through the end of next weekend to complete the project.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,971 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 3:51 AM


  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 11:07 AM

    Thanks TS.

    Thank you for putting in the time and effort. It amazes me that so many members are looking for quick answers and results and yet there are so few that are willing to take the time to learn.

    Speaking of time...I've spent 3 straight days on this project already, and just hit the halfway mark!!  Talk about a tedious undertaking!  

    That's not to say I didn't expect this going in, because I absolutely knew what I was getting myself into.

  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Tue, May 13 2014 8:30 AM

    I've completed the project, and will be trying to get the results together/posted by the end of this weekend.  Some meta data about the project:

    -Started with 30 donated balls, ended with just 0.5

    -Each club took me an average of about 2 hrs. & 20 min. to map, not including any analysis, setup, etc.  It turns out that 80 dings is a rather difficult target.

    -Note: Only full backspin was recorded for 94% shot power on the upper irons.  The reasons being that any less than fbs would (1) just be an unplayable shot (rolling 15 yds with terrible flight) in addition to (2) overlapping distances with the club below it.

    -I have screen shots for the location I hit each club, as well as screen shots of the beginning and ending ball #.  Also, in order to avoid any accusations of playing with donated balls, I didn't play a single ranked round over the duration of this project. [EDIT: It looks like I played a CTTH tournament with starter balls on my phone - date 5/6]

    >This was an extremely grueling undertaking.  I honestly can't even believe I was able to get through it.  Thanks again to those of you who donated!

    >Results will be posted this weekend

  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 4:39 PM

    Results: LINK

  • NiFromFb
    89 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 5:01 PM


    Results: LINK

    Very, very impressive. Thanks for taking the time to do that.