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Mapping: L85 Nike Irons + L81 Nike Balls (Community Sourced Project)

Tue, Aug 3 2021 2:47 PM (30 replies)
  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 11:18 AM


    Final Results: SPREADSHEET

    Thanks again to those who donated to this project!





    Alright, here's my first community sourced project!  As the title indicates, this project will probably only pertain to a relatively small WGT user segment (whoever is using the Nike/Nike combination), but I thought I would give it a go and see what happens.



    The Protocol: The following (full) shots will be hit using each club in the set.

    **Only dinged shots are recorded**

    >Shot Power - 100%, 98%, 96%, 94%

    >Spin - None, 1/3 backspin (5 pixels), 2/3 backspin (10 pixels), full backspin (15 pixels)

    >Sample Size - 5 shots will be taken using each parameter = 80 shots per club

    >Conditions - Near zero elevation (+/- 1 foot at most) and wind (+/- 0.5 mph helping or hurting at most).  The conditions will also be precisely recorded for every shot (wind, elevation, course, hole #).  My goal is to conduct every shot from the same place, but that will be nearly impossible.

    >Statistical Analysis - All data will be analyzed to the fullest extent of Microsoft Excel's capabilities.


    The Idea

    I will map the exact distances, along with radius of deviation, of level 85 Nike irons paired with the level 81 Nike balls.  All spin will be tested - and if we can really get this project going, the effect of wind on spin will also be tested.  Other variables such as rollout, trajectory modification, and spin:lateral wind deviation can all be explored later on as well.  I've already got this club/ball combination fairly accurately mapped, but I really want to get down into the nitty gritty of standard deviations.  Ultimately, this will give us a better understanding of how to safely 'miss' shots.

    How It Works

    Donate at least one (1) pack of level 81 Nike balls, and you will get 100% of the results that I obtain in my testing.  NOTE: ALL donated balls will be used for testing purposes ONLY.  I will NOT use ANY of the donated balls for any WGT gameplay not pertaining to this project.


    *Disclaimer: This may initially come off as a scam to get balls, but that is not the case.  I honestly love playing with spreadsheets to extract the intricacies of underlying calculations.  I fully understand if you're skeptical, and would encourage you to get in touch with me with any questions/concerns before blindly donating a pack of balls.  I'd also like to reiterate that all donated balls will ONLY be used for purposes of this project, and that all results will be passed on to members of the project in a timely fashion.


    I'm very serious about making this project a success, and hope that the community is receptive to the idea.

    [Mods: Please move this thread if it's posted in the wrong forum. Thanks]

  • TopShelf2010
    10,971 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 11:37 AM


  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 2:19 PM

    Thank you TopShelf, and thanks to those of you who have shown interest in the project so far.  The sooner we build an adequate member list, the sooner I'll be able to really dig into the testing phase.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 2:11 AM

    Good luck with the testing.

  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 8:17 AM

    Thanks Steve.

    To address anyone who is still on the fence about this project, keep in mind that it has the potential to not only benefit players utilizing this specific iron/ball combination, but also players who do not have this combination.  The testing will give us insight into % impact of certain features that are ubiquitous to all WGT equipment.

    Thanks to those of you who have decided to donate already!

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 10:30 AM

    I don't use the club and ball combo but it would seem to me to be most beneficial for members to do this testing themselves rather than gift GB's to someone else to do it. If nothing else, the XP's will be with the members who actually gain experience for themselves.

    BTW, I do see it as a generous offer to help those who may not have the time to spare in testing all kinds of shots.

  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 10:50 AM

    Thanks for your thoughts Cerino.  You're right in that, given enough free time, everyone would benefit the most by mapping their own clubs.  

    However (as you subsequently point out), I have found that many players would rather spend their time doing something more enjoyable, and instead decide to outsource such a mundane task to people who enjoy doing it.


  • ThreeSpot
    476 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 11:18 AM

    I wonder if you would consider making the results public? Personally, the idea of community sponsored research with the results widely disseminated has great appeal. Additionally, it would prevent potential down the road issues like someone revealing the results to non-members, or how to handle people who were not original sponsors but would like the results (like people who had not yet joined WGT). Certainly up to you, just my thoughts. I don't use those irons, but count me in for 3 sleeves if the results are made public.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 11:40 AM

    Ive never mapped any of my clubs, balls, etc, but forgive me but wouldn't it be better to map with no wind which isn't an option unless your lucky with monthly strokeplay rounds!!

  • LSUFootball
    105 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 11:56 AM


    I wonder if you would consider making the results public? Personally, the idea of community sponsored research with the results widely disseminated has great appeal. Additionally, it would prevent potential down the road issues like someone revealing the results to non-members, or how to handle people who were not original sponsors but would like the results (like people who had not yet joined WGT). Certainly up to you, just my thoughts. I don't use those irons, but count me in for 3 sleeves if the results are made public.

    This is definitely a possibility, but would have to first be addressed with the current members of the project.  They donated under the terms of exclusivity - so the decision ultimately rests in their hands.  I'll talk to them about it.

    Ive never mapped any of my clubs, balls, etc, but forgive me but wouldn't it be better to map with no wind which isn't an option unless your lucky with monthly strokeplay rounds!!

    A large sample size coupled with a multitude of different extremely low-wind environments is my idea to combat the wind!  However, keep in mind that we're also interested in the wind's effect. Thanks for your post.