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Using the Pitch/Chip shot mode - putting green grid.

Mon, Dec 29 2014 11:07 AM (95 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 4:43 AM

    Did someone say Penny?


    Wow, there ain't half a lot of fakes photos of her on the net.


    How about some sugar for Amy too?  She's pretty cool.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 5:20 AM


    Meee-ow Kat!

    It was meant to be jovial, guess I should have put a smiley at the end of it.


    LOL. I took it that way, MM. I don't even come close to doing any of these calculations and such BUT I find it very enlightening understanding and conversing with people like Kat. Intelligence is a wonderful stimulant. After all, this is a math game when you boil it right down. Every action has to be turned into a number that fits into an equation with many variables and the more one understands that, the eaasier it is to understand why things work the way they do here.  

    Instincts are highly underrated here, IMO. After you see something a zillion times you have to give in to that brain imprint you acquired. Play what feels right (And yer sposed to purrrrr when making eyes at another cat.)  :-)

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:07 AM

    You know I made one out of a business card and it don't work,cause you never really know how the program is telling the wind what to do. It may say 10 side wind but you may have to move for 15 or 20, on another note it may say 10 wind between 11 and 10  ,and the  ball will go straight.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:08 AM

    Instincts are highly underrated here, IMO. After you see something a zillion times you have to give in to that brain imprint you acquired. Play what feels right (And yer sposed to purrrrr when making eyes at another cat.)  :-)

    While I do agree with you that some shots are easy enough to handle without the use of tools ... and after being faced with the repetitive same shot and conditions you've faced a million times before you just know what to do, I am one that loves computers and the use of tools.  

    When I read someone bagging on the use of tools to assist, I get this picture in my mind of a neanderthal rubbing sticks together to start a fire.  Yeah it works, and if you do it over and over again every evening, you'll get really good at it.  But me ... if given the option of rubbing two sticks together to start a fire or grabbing a lighter, I'll take the lighter every time.  Both over time require little thought, and both will eventually produce similar results.  But isn't the lighter faster?

    Bagging on the user of the lighter for not being a purist is just stupid.  Bagging on a person who chooses to use a tool instead of an "instinctual guess" is pretty much the same thing, IMO.  I play this game to have fun ... not to think.  I use overlays and calculators because I don't have to think ... I have a tool for that!  I'm here to enjoy my time and experiences with others.  Reading these "I'm so great, why aren't you?" comments just chaps my hide!  I've never bagged on the "instinctual purist" here.  You're all great players and in most cases a lot of fun.  Why bag on the player that uses a tool to help them with the game?

    I'll share a story with you that I feel has merit here.  My uncle and his friends restore old cars ... one of these guys brags all the time about his ability to rebuild any carburetor blindfolded in under an hour.  Since I love this guy, I bite my tongue and never say a word  ... but in my mind I'm always wondering, "why?  Isn't seeing what you're doing easier?"

    Edit:  Grrrrrrr!  LMAO!


  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:31 AM


    You know I made one out of a business card and it don't work,cause you never really know how the program is telling the wind what to do.

    That's the key thing for me.  I have absolutely nothing against Kat and those who put in the work to accurately work out the theoretical effect of winds of various strengths and directions on the flight of the ball.  Especially when, like Kat, they're happy to share the results of all that work with anyone who asks for it.

    The catch, for me anyway, is the word theoretical I used in that statement.  And I don't believe it doesn't belong there.  We all know that two shots played with identical power in identical wind and with identical gear will not always give an identical result.  There are no clubs in this game which have 100% precision, they all hit the ball slightly different each time.  Sure, if you play the same shot 100 times it may well land the ball on the exact same spot 5 or 6 times, maybe more for all I know, but it certainly won't do it 100 times.

    I admit to being a bit of a purist.  I'm full of admiration for Mercedes and all the driver aids they pack into an S class these days but they're not helping people develop driving skills.  Stamp on the gas pedal on a wet road and the traction control will sort it out.  The ABS will do the same when you stand on the brake pedal.  Can't park a car?  No worries, it'll do it for you these days.  It'll even keep you within your lane on the motorway, brake for you if it thinks you're going to crash into the car in front and warn you if it thinks you're becoming drowsy.

    All these things have made cars much safer over the years but they're taking away the driver input.

    Obviously it's not in the same league but I feel similar about entering some numbers into a program and being told exactly where to aim and how hard to hit the ball.  And then seeing deviation send it 4 yards right.

    I'm just a seat of the pants sort of guy.

    And a rather long winded one sometimes.



  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:32 AM

    Now what would be nice is if they would utilize the sound effects of the wind to let you know if there was truly a gust of wind. Like the sound would pick up and then slow down .

    Because now it seems the theory is well there are gust of wind and thats why your shot went  where it did. So since we can't feel the wind the next best thing would be to hear the wind then Mr. Chads statement on the making of Pinehurst would be a little more true 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:37 AM

     Bagging on a person who chooses to use a tool instead of an "instinctual guess" is pretty much the same thing, IMO.

    Whoa, girl. Back up. Nobody's "bagging" you (whatever that means but I get the gist.) I certainly am not.  You're obviously highly motivated to approach this game with a very high degree of math intellect and chose to apply that here. Good on you, knock yourself out.

    I started out that way in a fashion and you know what?-it lead to major frustration and aggravation. I charted the old Satin wedges down to the yard, had all the i15's iron carries, roll, etc. in a nice little chart, had all the numbers lined up like ducks. That's when I learned that 2 + 2 does not equal 4 in this game and that you can chart yourself blue in the face, the game is about ranges, not being exact. I can get those ranges simply by simple math and common sense. 

    Now I enjoy seeing how others do it and how it works for them. Most of the time it reinforces the way I already do it. Always learning.  :-)

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:42 AM

    Oh I will take and try a tool in a heart beat, I feel we have to fight with what ever tool we can get.

     I truly feel we are fighting against the game and not each other,  ( meaning when we play tournaments) because you never know what the game is going to throw at you. Playing against a player you can look at his or stats and see his weak points, the game gives you no clue. 

    Now granted anyone can beat anyone on any given day thats just life.  So if WGT can do with the program as they will ,like advertise Champ greens when they really are  Tourney greens ( that was just an example ) then we have the right to find a tool or tools to fight back with.  

  • MBaggese
    15,368 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:47 AM

    I remember the flack that Gold caught when coming up and trying to refine a putting forum, heck...I even was on the flack-giving side for a bit, then started looking hard at what he was doing and tried to help with a bit of input for him.


    I personally don't care if one plays with a super computer by thier side or a bag of Cheetos and a cold Coors (guilty), as long as the game is moving along and we're having fun, let's play!!

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:52 AM

    So if we can find a tool that tells you where to aim, and what club to use by God I say use it.

    I have not found one, but if there was a tool to control the meter, I say use it because I know for a fact that some way WGT controls the meter. How many times have you been on a course and some holes the meter is smooth as a babies butt, then on some holes in the same game same course it jerks,and sometimes just stops for a second or two. Just think about it and next time your out on the course when that happens remember this thread. So Kat  and others keep doing what your doing cause I myself applaud you and your efforts to help us win against WGT not each other.