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'Tough-It-Out III': The Trans-Atlantic Starter Clubs Uneven Open THIRD EDITION!

Mon, Oct 28 2013 3:55 PM (614 replies)
  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Sun, Sep 8 2013 8:30 AM

    Hope I am not too late, just signed up



  • FranzHaber
    5 Posts
    Sun, Sep 8 2013 11:07 AM

    play starter club only always, will beat all of you

    sorry for bad english

    thanks for tournament!!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Sep 8 2013 3:31 PM

    Hope I am not too late, just signed up

    Not too late at all, LJ. Signup deadline is Thursday, 9/12 at midnight WGT time.

    Glad to have you on board! (We're now at 29 players)


    Last time around, for TIO2, we had an incredibly generous pool of players sponsoring prizes, with some great imagination involved. It also meant a total stat-fest, to track progress towards the prizes on offer, adding immeasurably to the fun, and continued involvement throughout the tourney. I'm very hopeful that we'll get a similar level of generosity this time around.

    Everyone, please note, we are also very open to anyone wanting to sponsor some special prizes... large or small! We have an approximate value of 10-12k in prizes already, but would love to add sleeves for particular accomplishments (e.g. Most Birdies, Least Bogies, Longest Total Distance Made Putts etc. or anything else you might want to offer).

    ... so, don't be shy. If you have the means and the desire to sponsor something, do let us know. It will be greatly appreciated, and is bound to go to a deserving cause: hey, anyone getting through the challenge ahead deserves a prize!

    Thanks for considering, Corwyn

  • BigInigoMontoya
    208 Posts
    Sun, Sep 8 2013 8:27 PM

    OK, just read through the first couple posts again.  Only a couple of questions I have.

    1.  Not real clear on the Bag screenshot.

    2. The sign up form mentions being a Marker.  Not real sure what this means.

    I'll probably go ahead and sign up, just want to make sure I'm clear on all the rules first.


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Sep 8 2013 10:52 PM

    Hi Inigo,

    I'm so glad you're interested, and it's definitely good to ask the questions up front.

    1. Bag screenshot is just the perfect way to show that you were using the right clubs. If you hover over the bag with your mouse, just before doing the keystrokes that do the screengrab, then you can show your clubs as part of the same screenshot.

    It's not essential though. In a tourney like this, we are relying on playing in pairs to verify that the right equipment has been used. In essence, every one of us is acting as a policeman when we play, to make sure our playing partner is honoring the rules. We each have a responsibility to the whole field to ensure fair play... just as in real-life golf.

    2. Marker just means you could be available to play an extra round with someone if they need it. Sometimes, a player just enjoys the format so much they want to play it all the time! Other times, it's nice for a player to get some real practice in with someone else and learn some of their tips. When you play a round as a marker, you declare that in advance in the thread, so it's clear that this is not your competition round.

    Does that help?

  • FranzHaber
    5 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 3:56 AM

    conditions tough but no problem for me

    will beat you!

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 6:29 AM


    Getting no practice 2 holes & a stomp at a time!  Losing clubs at an astonishing rate. They're only starters though.   ...where are my blood pressure meds again...


                                          Cartoon_golf : Angry Golfer

    LOL,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!   This pic reminds me of a time when a very good friend of mine took his driver and whipped it from off the tee into the woods,,lol. It made this whooshing and tinging sound all at the same time. A bit dangerous though. The driver split in two with the one half impaled in a tree. Ahhhhh, the good ole days.

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 8:27 AM

    any one around this morning up for some practice ?

  • BigInigoMontoya
    208 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 1:38 PM


    Hi Inigo,

    I'm so glad you're interested, and it's definitely good to ask the questions up front.

    Does that help?

    OK, I think I'm clear now.  I went ahead and filled out the Google docs registration form so I guess I'm officially signed up.  Many pars I will hope for, yet many bogeys (or worse, natch) I will make.  Should be good for a laugh or two one way or another.  I've played a few uneven practice rounds on the front 9 at Jokemont in low wind, and so far I've carded no worse than bogey on holes 1 through 8.  The 9th is a whole other matter altogether ROFL.

    Additionally, I would like to add myself to the list of sponsors for a specialty prize.  I will gift 1 sleeve of Callaway Hex Chrome balls valued at 325 credits or less to the Closest to the Pin winner on the Par 3 13th at the Olympic Club (Round 3).  This is an absolute nerve wracking, head splitting, blood boiling BEAST of a hole at my current tier (for me it is anyways xD) and I expect it to play much the same way even from the Ladies Tee, especially with Tournament greens thrown in the mix.

    In order to be eligible to win the prize, you MUST:

    1. Submit a screenshot either to the Tourney hosts or in the corresponding Round 3 thread that clearly shows your distance to the hole (before you line up your putt to compensate for the break), and
    2. You MUST reach the green in regulation from the tee.  If you miss short or to the right on the fringe it won't count.  This can be verified with your back 9 scorecard so make sure to post that in the thread as well.