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The Movie Thread

Thu, Jan 9 2025 1:34 AM (39 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 5:23 AM


    Wentworth Season 5 is available on Netflix(US) now, how did I miss that?!?  

    They snuck it in and my post should have said season 5, not 4, in which case, I probably spoiled the finale for you but it is soooo satisfying. I wasn't sure how the series would progress without Bea after her dying in the 4 finale but it gets better with an ending that is so over the top. 

    Get watching.  ;-)

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 5:24 AM

    Well said Alan.  That 12 Angry Men could be so effective with only ONE set is just amazing.

    I would add Mister Roberts to the list.  All Star cast, and great performances by Henry Fonda and Jack Lemon.  But James Cagney stole the show in my mind as The Captain.


  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 5:50 AM

    Great addition Jeff

    You know you're all in the crapper, when the Captain has to CHAIN his palm tree to the ship

    Just for the anti PC in me, I'd like to add Blazing Saddles


    I think Mel Brooks, and the Monty Python guys, should get an award, for making history on celluloid, that will never be replicated again. Because of the intolerant ass-hats of the world

    To bad, all in fun, and no one cared.

    RIP Gene Wilder & Gilda Radner

    Imagine a day with those two, in your vicinity  

  • craigswan
    32,216 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 8:17 AM

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 12:13 PM

    I would add Mister Roberts to the list.

    Oh heck, I totally forgot about that movie and "the bucket" was brilliant. 

    I prefer films that have great actors and scripts rather than the need to rely on gimmicks or special effects, 

    Maybe not quite  in the same category lol, but an Aussie classic, The Castle (I once had some friends around, Americans, Canadians and Aussies - some of the humor went over the US and Canadian heads but the Aussies taking the piss out of our foibles had the Aussies in hysterics).

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 3:15 PM

    Some of the cool movies I've enjoyed are:

    Triangle 2009

    The Signal 2007

    Gamer (w/ Gerard Butler)



    Source Code



    Fantastic Planet


    The Parallax View

    Below (submarine horror)

    Blown Away 1994

    Red Sands

    THX 1138


  • DarkenRahl
    2,116 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 4:54 PM


    Get watching.  ;-)

    Done and done.... WOW!  Very,very rare to find any series that just seems to get better as it goes along. And somehow it found a way to top the ending of season 4, which until 5 minutes ago I thought was the best I had seen since "Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen."

    And for classic movies,"The Hustler" gets my vote as a must watch. Paul Newman originating the role of Fast Eddie, George C Scott as Burt Gordon, and Jackie  (The Great One) Gleason as Minnesota Fats makes for a great viewing experience.  And if they ever colorize it, the person behind it should be shot, then drawn and quartered.

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 5:09 PM

    @ JFidanza

    you may want to try "Ex Machina"

    Image result for ex machina movie

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 6:25 PM


    Great addition Jeff

    You know you're all in the crapper, when the Captain has to CHAIN his palm tree to the ship

    Just for the anti PC in me, I'd like to add Blazing Saddles


    I think Mel Brooks, and the Monty Python guys, should get an award, for making history on celluloid, that will never be replicated again. Because of the intolerant ass-hats of the world

    To bad, all in fun, and no one cared.

    RIP Gene Wilder & Gilda Radner

    Imagine a day with those two, in your vicinity  

    +1 Joe.  2 more great additions.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2017 6:26 PM


    Add The Sting into the mix with Butch.