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Re: Disconnects and Other Crazy Game Flaws

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 10 2025 5:31 PM (7 replies)
  • QuotaRelief
    101 Posts
    Mon, Dec 30 2024 3:01 PM

    I’ve been playing the game for 6 years on an iPad.  My current iPad is a 6th generation device running IOS v 17.7.2.  Have lightning fast internet and up until about a month ago never had serious problems.  For the past month, the game has tons of glitches and on occasion is close to unplayable.  These are some of the issues I’m dealing with:

    - Frequent “resolving shot” delays where I hit the shot and the system hangs (with resolving shot message) for multiples seconds before completing.

    - sometime’s I hit the shot and get the resolving shot message, and it ultimately fails to complete. I then have to hit the shot again after significant delay.

    - i frequently get disconnected and have to come back into the game.  The majority of these times I get the message “waiting for player to reconnect”, and the timer starts showing how long the opponent has to reconnect before he will automatically forfeit. Usually the game reconnects and we play on.  However, frequently when we reconnect, my opponent has already played his shot and I never even saw it.  So the system hangs and tells me my opponent is reconnecting, but that’s not the case at all.  He (or she) actually has played the shot and I never even see it happen.

    - often when I reverse angles to look at a putt, the system will hang for many seconds.  Very frustrating because the clock continues to run down and I am unable to get out of the view and proceed to putting the ball.

    - I’m getting frequent hangs with the message to “retry” the connection.  Usually this will resolve itself after delay, but occasionally the game just ends with no ability to reconnect. This issue cause me a win in the latest Showdown

    Basically it’s getting to the point the game is unplayable.  I’d like to know if others are having these same issues?

    By the way, I know how to clear my iPads cache and it does nothing to resolve these issues.

  • Gashmaster1
    63 Posts
    Tue, Dec 31 2024 10:58 AM

    I am running a iPad Mini 4th Gen with iOS 15.8.3.
    I have very fast internet.

    I have been having the same issues

    -Frequent “resolving shot” delays
    -Reverse angles to look at a putt, the system will hang for many seconds

    But the new issue I am having this week when playing coin games.
    It happens when I go to take my second shot (not on the green yet). I choose my club, switch views to adjust the shot for the wind, and I lose the entire bottom ribbon on the screen (clubs, swing meter, spin control) plus the camera and Swing circle I can't shoot, but I can still chat.  So I have to kill the app and reload, sometimes it reloads that round and I can continue, but other times it just goes back to the main screen and I lose my round and coins. There is NO error message and won't resolve itself.

  • Avinashokka
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, Dec 31 2024 4:45 PM

    Also iPad I’ve had all the same issues you guys describe at different times but not to the same frequency or severity. 

    GM, I’ve had the disappearing bottom ribbon on a couple of occasions also. Try letting the timer time out. The ribbon usually reappears after you time out. Still a PITA though.  

  • Gashmaster1
    63 Posts
    Tue, Dec 31 2024 7:16 PM

    Thank you so much for the advice on letting it time out. I had not tried that and will report back on my results for others to read.

  • Gashmaster1
    63 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2025 1:02 PM


    I have not had the issue happen again on head to head games.

    But I have had the ribbon disappear twice since on solo games.
    One I was playing a Club Tournament and the other I was playing the Clash last week and it happened. Since there was no shot clock in either case I there was no timeout to wait for, so I had to close and reopen the app immediately and was able continue in both cases. And in both cases it processed the shot I was taking when the ribbon disappeared.

    Seems to be some sort of glitch in switching views and shooting.

  • Gashmaster1
    63 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2025 12:53 PM

    Ribbon disappeared again today during a club tournament, I had just struck the ball for my second shot and poof gone, this time there was a shot clock but it never timed out so I had to close and reopen the app only to find my ball on the green but well to the left of where it should have been since I did hit the ding and the wind was at my back.

    Since no one else is updating this thread it appears I am the only one experiencing this issue and should stop updating and just live with it until the next update.

  • Avinashokka
    1,043 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2025 3:12 PM

    I’m still following it I just haven’t had anything interesting to report. A couple of “resolving shot” circles which spun for a bit longer than they should have but that’s it. I haven’t had any disappearing ribbons so it would seem that is happening to you far more frequently than it’s ever happened to me. I don’t have anything else constructive to offer sorry. 

  • Gashmaster1
    63 Posts
    Fri, Jan 10 2025 5:31 PM

    Thank you for your update Avinashokka.

    I have endless 'resolving shots' issues (spinning). So much so that it cost me a timeout in my club tournament, and a stroke.

    I think the 'resolving shots' issue is tied to the disappearing issue, based on a timing thing. They seem to be connected somehow.

    We cannot be the only two WGT players having 'resolving shots' issues..

    Maybe the next update might fix it?