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Re: How long do friend requests last

Fri, Oct 25 2024 4:00 PM (2 replies)
  • CayukChris
    40 Posts
    Sun, Oct 29 2023 11:39 AM

    I recently made friends with another during a coin game. at the end, they invited me to play again which I did. When I came back to play again the next day, the player was no longer listed as a friend in my friends window.

    I sent a friend request & haven't heard one way or the other. Possibly the player hasn't played since that day so I was wondering how long the friend request remains in the game with the other player until they play next? Or maybe I was blocked?

    I play the game on both a Samsung tablet & a Win10 computer. When I search the players name on the tablet, it no longer brings up their name and friend requests don't work.  On the Win10 machine both the players name and friend request sent work.

  • bossbird
    2,253 Posts
    Mon, Oct 30 2023 3:28 AM

    They may just have not accepted your request to be a friend , not necessarily blocked you . 
    A lot of the people in your country club are inactive , so you could consider leaving and joining a more active club and make friends with club members .  

  • AndyKashu
    16 Posts
    Fri, Oct 25 2024 4:00 PM

    Are any of the following issues akin to what you have experienced or are experiencing when trying to contact other players:

    "Blocking a player prevents them from doing so:

    • Interacting with you via wall post or private message
    • Sending you friend requests, game invitations and country club membership invitations
    • Random matches with you in multiplayer games

    If a player is your friend, blocking them will remove them from your friends list."

    (source: )

    If this is the case, you know what this exactly means, unlike those who still like to assume it would mean something else, like less personal. Give it some thought. They're gone from yer friends list, you can't send them another friend request... So, there is that. And then move on. There are more players worth yer time than the few you've been playing with who have most likely blocked you.