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Re: Free Credit Offer Reviews

Mon, Jul 17 2023 9:25 AM (5 replies)
  • KJEZ
    59 Posts
    Sat, Jun 17 2023 2:50 PM

    Ever wonder how difficult it is to complete some of the free credit offers?  I thought I would share my experiences and others can add theirs's as well. 

    Ones I have attempted or completed:

    Yahtzee with Buddies for 8000 credits - pay out quick

    By far the easiest one I have found, need to reach level 32 within a certain time frame.  I completed it pretty quick.  Join an active family and its pretty fast after that.  About midway through they start making you watch adds in the middle of games but it was not too bad.  This offer looks down right now but try and keep an eye out if it opens back up.


    Ultimate Hearts for 961 credits - pay out quick

    This one was easy but painful, they insert adds in the middle of games right away making it very tedious.  It can be done but takes time.


    Draft Kings Sportsbook for 12,250 credits - pay out action required

    I was leery about this one as it required a $10 bet.  But I did it over the double promo weekend and bet a money line on a heavy favorite and cashed out.  I had to send support a screen shot but I did get paid.


    Vikings CPE - for 12,300 credits - pay out N/A 

    I am not sure if this one is still active but I was unable to reach Palace Level 32.  I did not devote any time right away and that cost me.  I seems the first 7 days are the best chance to up your palace quickly and after that things level much slower. 


    I would love to hear about your experiences with some of the other offers out there!       

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 2:09 AM

    Double credits on Tapjoy this weekend again.

    Fishdom 7,056c-pays out instantly

    Previously I did the Fishdom offer.  It's a candy crush type game, the stuff you see in the adverts play a very small part. There are 56c @ L25, 378 @ L325 and 6,622c @ L700.  I'd say this means deciding at L25 if you're enjoying it enough, getting through the levels easily enough, to go for L700.

    There are no adverts that I can remember and on reaching L700 I logged in to WGT and the credits were there..

  • BlackBogey
    608 Posts
    Sun, Jun 18 2023 4:31 AM

    DoubleDown Slots is a good one that also pays out instantly.  I'm currently working on the last reward level of this one from the last double credit weekend.

    Download and open app = 10 20 credits

    Complete Level 8 = 2366 4732 credits

    Complete Level 10 = 4550 9100 credits

    Complete Level 12 = 7716 15432 credits

    Complete Level 15 = 9260 18520 credits

    Total = 23902 47804 credits

    It took me from May 26 until June 9 to complete Level 12 playing about 1/2 - 1 hour per day.  2 things I like about these type of offers:

    1) I've had issues recently with completing offers and them not paying out, so this one lets you know right away after downloading and opening if your 20 credits show up.  If they do you are good to go, if not, don't waste your time.

    2) There is an Auto Spin button on all the slots, so once you have a decent amount of chips built up you can just set a moderate bet amount, click the auto spin, and go about your business for 1/2 hour or so and really don't even need to interact with the game anymore for however long.  I know many will shake their heads at me saying their time is worth more than playing a game an hour a day for free credits, but with this auto spin you really only need to take the time to open the app, click through the opening "offers" to buy chips, set up your game on auto spin, then you are free to do something else for however long.  I can set it up in the morning and let it run while getting ready for work, then set it up again in the evening and let it run while watching TV or playing WGT.

    It is a bit of a grind going from Level 10 to 12 and then even more so from Level 12 to 15 for the final 18520 credits.  It's kind of like how in the WGT world where the XP needed to level up goes up exponentially above level 90.  I completed the download and Level 8 on the same day (05/26), Level 10 2 days later (05/28).  Then it took 12 days to reach Level 12 (06/09).  I've been working on getting to Level 15 since then and only 65% of the way through Level 13, but it's a 60 day offer so I still have 38 days to complete.  

    Of course keep in mind all these game offers are only available on Android platform.  I've always found it odd that all of these offers aren't available on IOS.  Whenever I watch daily videos for 2 credits on my iPhone they are 99.9% advertising games to download, but when you go to the TapJoy wall on iPhone there are no games available.

  • Golphur2
    14 Posts
    Wed, Jul 5 2023 11:55 AM

    Hey I am wondering if you can give me some more info about the mgm bonus.  
    I am in Ontario Canada and it says for the mgm offer you can only bet in casino only and Sportsbook bets do not qualify did you have the same message ? I’m wondering how you were able to bet on sports. 
    also you said you cashed out do you mean you cashed out early before the game was over and bet settled?  For my offer it says you have to deposit $15 and make 10 bets with the full deposit amount which is confusing to me surly it doesn’t mean you have to bet the full $15 ten times right? 9 $1 bets plus 1 $6 bet would equal $15 bet over 10 bets right?  The wording is very confusing and it would be almost impossible to bet the $15 10x winning ever time losing the first bet would put you down $15 with no way to make an additional 9 bets.  So I’m also wondering how you were able to qualify making one $10 bet. Did you have to send a picture because the credits weren’t given after the set amount of time or days or do you always have to provide proof and picture of bet??
    I tried to get clarification from WGT who said to get in touch with rev u but there is no way to contact rev u you can only dispute an offer which you never got the credits.  

    also wondering if you had an account with mgm already or did you have to sign up as a new mgm customer ? 

    I did everything they asked I signed up through rev u wall, deposit $15 and then went to casino played roulette 9 $1 bets and then the remaining $6 on one bet which would be the full $15 over 10 bets.  Hope they don’t try to screw me over let me know what you think I appreciate the help 

  • CrazyGoose2
    3 Posts
    Sun, Jul 16 2023 8:05 AM

    I did an offer with skybet uk. They never did pay out. I won't be doing anymore offers.

  • Golphur2
    14 Posts
    Mon, Jul 17 2023 9:25 AM

    How long has it been since you did the offer ? 

    im giving up on this game if I don’t get my free credits , I did the mgm and pointsbet offers and still haven’t got any credits…

    what a scam I’m not spending another dime on this game if I don’t get these credits this is bs