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Distances and meter in stroke play a mess

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jun 22 2022 11:57 AM (0 replies)
  • MikeW1503
    24 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2022 11:57 AM

    I know my distances in Alternate gameplay.

    In stroke the distances are all over the place, this is if I can get the meter to not fly across the screen or just jump everywhere. Not issues I see in Alternate play.

    For instance - with a 20mph wind behind - a driver with avg of 285, should, if middled go over 300yds. In stroke, more like  240-250 if I am lucky. Pretty much the same for all irons and woods. There is something wrong here. 

    To summarise - meter and distances hopeless in stroke and not in A/S.

    It is getting to the point where it is a waste time thinking about playing stroke, certainly a waste of time entering any competitions.

    I can't be the only one suffering this rubbish.