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Re: Abusive Players

Mon, Jun 10 2024 12:00 PM (19 replies)
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  • Drlg4oilnnd
    64 Posts
    Fri, Aug 6 2021 6:18 PM

     settings / player chat  / off  /  save and close  !

  • Khatru5
    1 Posts
    Thu, Apr 21 2022 3:15 AM

    I encountered one this morning.  He got pissed off and said some abusive stuff when I took more than 30 secs with my first shot so I decided to have some fun with him.

    For my next shot, I let the timer count down until I got a warning and when I went to take the shot, I waited for the counter to get close to zero.

    At this point he was fuming and you wouldn’t believe the abuse I was getting so I just wound him up further by letting the counter get close to zero and then deliberately fluffing each shot until I got maxed out.

    Sure, I lost but it was easily worth it to see him get so worked up. 

  • tramilleo
    1,902 Posts
    Thu, Apr 21 2022 10:26 AM

    What you are doing is against wgt's terms of service, they can suspend you for your actions as well lol WGTLAND AT ITS FINEST


  • BrianCheese
    45 Posts
    Sat, May 25 2024 5:24 AM

    WGT moderates people for ever, but does nothing about abusive players. Surely they must know what goes on in the chats section, they have an algorithm that stops bad language. There are more and more abusive players using it as intimidation tactics and apart from blocking them for a game there's no comeback. These people should be banned from playing for a period of time, but that's never going to happen because WGT might lose money from them. 

  • WGTShamWow
    924 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2024 11:50 AM

    If you encounter abusive messages in game, take a screen shot of the message with the players name and send it to Abusive message definitely aren't permitted in game and players do get suspended for it. Unfortunately there isn't an in game report button but sending a screen shot of the abuse to the Support email address will have that player looked into. 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,659 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2024 3:54 PM

    take a screen shot of the message with the players name and send it to Abusive message definitely aren't permitted in game and players do get suspended for it.

    This is exactly what I used to do, only to see those abusive players back a week or so later. So yeah, that sissy slap on the wrist doesn't help at all! Now, I don't bother wasting my time writing to CS anymore.

  • sesky
    3,644 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2024 3:43 AM

    This is exactly what I used to do, only to see those abusive players back a week or so later. So yeah, that sissy slap on the wrist doesn't help at all! Now, I don't bother wasting my time writing to CS anymore.

    Agreed. Get sent to stand in the corner and then they are back at it. 

    Sadly, unfortunate.


  • Squatch031
    200 Posts
    Fri, Jun 7 2024 7:26 AM

    It is simple people...turn your chat off, block them, or tolerate it. Why is that so hard?

  • Stlkcdc3
    340 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2024 6:10 PM


     settings / player chat  / off  /  save and close  !

    Exactly. Don't miss it at all. Rarely play coin games so not missing much. I don't need nice shot and blah blah blah. Within a foot or holed okay nice shot. Heartbeat shots should be the expectation. And I still miss half of those putts. 

  • Squatch031
    200 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2024 12:00 PM

    Agree!  I turned mine off because I am tired of the np, ns, etc.  Why do we feel the need to continually state the obvious!?  I guess it is part of this touchy-feely time in which we now live and people's continual need for validation.

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