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Re: Manchester incident

Thu, Jun 8 2017 1:11 PM (91 replies)
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jun 8 2017 12:03 PM

    I'm well aware that America's biggest export is its morality.  However, it doesn't have a history of inflicting cruelty upon people solely to be cruel.

    People make mistakes and foreign policy is nasty stuff at the best of times.............

    I listen to news shows lots.  Now a London phone in show allows anyone to call.  Sadly the amount of people that condemn and then add the BUT shows what a problem all this is.  No prizes for guessing who...

    The Twin Towers two minutes silence saw everyone, talking London, stand to attention apart from one noticeable group who never - Great social experiment that one.

    The US, because of it's geography and really only, had differing flow charts.  The same social experiment though, just lucky to have differing flow charts.........

    Here in Aussie the doors opened in 67, and guess the one group that causes problems.............Fortunately here they shut (not perfect) the uncontrolled all welcome door many moons ago.  OK more luck as we never had the economy to support the free for all that real powerhouses can.

    I then get this is partly due to imperialism of the British Empire (effectively over 100 years ago).  Sure it ruled the waves for centuries really.  Effectively it was unopossed after the American Independence war saw France and Spain finally finished as global powers, right through to the end of WW1.............But in an age when everyone was doing it, you got Britain you had struck gold................

    When it comes to ethics, ISIS doesn't have a leg to stand on, so in a match between USA vs. radical Islam, America will always have the high ground.

    Yes +1 but that also gives IS too much credit.............There is nothing that anyone post a stone age half witted version of Vlad the Impaler can even relate to.

    Also back to the point of the thread................Zero excuse for this horrific crap, ZERO.


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, Jun 8 2017 1:11 PM

    The civilised Western world try to help too much. They are not, and in fact were never worth helping.

    Then the west get the blame from these low lifes for medalling in their lands.

    Should have stayed away, but reporters writing and showing footage of distress faced under the Saddam regime went ahead........ was a bad idea.

    You see, we in the west, or a large proportion of us see a human, or even an animal in distress we will rush to help.

    Would they who stone their own do that.....yeah, i think not.

    The amount of aid we in UK send to third world countries has to stop. Surely we know who we can help........and who we cant.