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Re: Calculating averages and counting rounds

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Wed, Dec 5 2018 2:12 AM (19 replies)
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  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 8:58 AM


    what is happening to the avgs?   shoot a -6 and it goes down .01 shoot a -3 and doesn't move.   yes i am playing ranked rounds, and yes i have saturated my rounds.

    did wgt screw with the avgs?   and want to stop players to move up?


    a -6 or a -3 can result in different scores for different courses. the other factor for you is that if you have been saturated for a while, you have by now tossed out your worst rounds and so you will not see big changes in your average for your best 500 rounds.

    Your recent 33 on StA is equivalent to a -3 for the 36 par on that course. So by doubling it you scored a full round of 66.  This is probably higher than your best 500 so you will see no change. Or, maybe you still had a 67 or 68 round in your best 500 and it was replaced by your 66 but the slight change (lets say e.g. 0.004) did not register in your 2 decimal place score.

    Your recent 29 on BPB is a -6 for the 35 par on that course.  This 58 was enough to move your average slightly.  Typically it is not surprising to see 0, -0.01, -0.02 changes for a player that has been saturated for a while, with their best 500 falling within a tighter range.


  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 9:18 AM

    Excuse me, but -6, -3 don't mean a thing in this context. -1 may be 71, certainly not a good score compared to your average of 63.64.

    Name the score, like 33, 65, then we can talk. And, as a saturated Legend, don't forget the "law of the big numbers". The smallest change in average is 1/500 = 0.002 - invisible on a display of two decimals.

  • Alexiss8
    22 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2018 4:41 PM

    Is there a single chart easy to read, easy to understand how to advance tier levels?  It would need to show every element needed.  There are so many responses with this question and it all sounds like complex physics lol.  I just need to know what score i need for nine hole and 18 hole rounds.  To much information from to many players makes this to complicated, not complaining, just looking for one accurate , easy answer :)

    Master player average 63.93 level 96.  Sorry, there has to be a fill in the numbers that can fotmulate the two answers i need, excell spreadsheet or on line fill in average, 9 hole round or 18 hole round, minimum rounds played = score needed for 9 hole play or 18 hole play.  Would save alot of duplicate answers for this questions. Thanks Alexiss8

  • borntobesting
    9,754 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2018 7:11 PM


    Is there a single chart easy to read, easy to understand how to advance tier levels?  It would need to show every element needed.  There are so many responses with this question and it all sounds like complex physics lol.  I just need to know what score i need for nine hole and 18 hole rounds.  To much information from to many players makes this to complicated, not complaining, just looking for one accurate , easy answer :)

    Master player average 63.93 level 96.  Sorry, there has to be a fill in the numbers that can fotmulate the two answers i need, excell spreadsheet or on line fill in average, 9 hole round or 18 hole round, minimum  62 rounds played = score needed for 9 hole play or 18 hole play.  Would save alot of duplicate answers for this questions. Thanks Alexiss8

    ANo there is no single chart. There are too many variables. Basically for your average to drop you have to shoot lower than your average which for a you would be 31 for 9 1holes computed to 62  or shoot 63 for 18. Any round pkayed on  par 3 or par 5 courses have no affect on your average nor do any rounds played on a custom CC course. 

    And as far as advancing to the next tier you would have to lower your average to 61.0 . But WGT doesn’t publish exactly what it takes to keep players from intentionally not tiering up.

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2018 7:13 PM

    Is there a single chart easy to read, easy to understand how to advance tier levels? 

    Here's a copy and paste from out country club's forum, courtesy of EasyEdward. If you're simply playing ranked rounds, the following holds true. If you're on the mobile platform, however, and playing coin rooms, you can be tiered up by WGT based on levels.

    Hope this helps! 

    What average do you need to Tier up, how many rounds do you need, and what is the effect of winning a Ready-Go or Match Play on your Average?

    • When Hack average is equal or less than 100.00 you move to Amateur
    • When Amateur average is equal or less than 80.00 you move to Pro
    • When Pro average is equal or less than 72.00 you move to Tour Pro
    • When Tour Pro average is equal or less than 67.00 you move to Master
    • When Master average is equal or less than 63.00 you move to Tour Master
    • When Tour Master average is equal or less than 61.00 you move to Legend
    • When Legend average is equal or less than 60.00 you move to Tour Legend
    • When Tour Legend average is equal to or less than 59.00 you move to Champion.
    • Tour Champion is by invitation only from WGT


    Unless you win Ready Go Tourneys you need a certain minimum number of rounds played before you can move up to a higher Tier. This is commonly known as “saturation.” Once saturation is reached WGT calculates your average based on the best rounds you have played in your current Tier. Both the minimum to get to saturation and how many rounds your average is based on is:

    • 5 ranked rounds as Hack before reaching Amateur
    • 10 ranked rounds as Amateur before reaching Pro
    • 20 ranked rounds as Pro before reaching Tour Pro
    • 25 ranked rounds as Tour Pro before reaching Master
    • 40 ranked rounds as Master before reaching Tour Master
    • 50 ranked rounds as Tour Master before reaching Legend
    • 500 ranked rounds as Legend before reaching Tour Legend
    • 200 rounds as Tour Legend before reaching Champion

    It is 200 rounds as Champion to reach saturation. Even so, as Tour Champion is by invitation only, saturation in this case only applies to WGT’s computation of your average


    If you win a Ready-Go or a Match Play against a higher tiered player your average will drop. Typically the drop is between 1 and 2 strokes. The exact formula WGT uses is unknown but it appears that 40 to 50 strokes are deducted from the total number of strokes you have played in your current Tier as a “bonus” for your win.

    This bonus no longer applies once you reach Legend Tier and do not carry over once you move up a Tier.

    These bonus strokes fade over time.  Specifically, based on observation it appears that upon saturation two bonus strokes are lost every time you score lower than your highest score WGT still has recorded as your best for your current Tier.

    By the way, the following courses do not count in average calculation:

    • Par 3 courses
    • Par 5 courses
    • Custom Courses

    Finally, to emphasize: the average is based on the ranked rounds within that tier. When you tier up, your average resets upon playing the first round within the new tier. Also, the number of ranked rounds listed above is the number required within that tier. 



  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2018 10:13 PM

    Is there a single chart easy to read, easy to understand how to advance tier levels?


    Would save alot of duplicate answers for this questions.

    Nothing to add to Robert's verbose text, concerning calculation.

    Concerning ease of understanding, you need to know that WGT is keeping this subject as a secret. There are only a few general hints in the FAQ. They say it is done to hinder sandbaggers, but further from that /me thinks they may want to hide how they profit from the grind involved in the big no. of rounds.

    Same applies to "levels and XPs" for players and CCs.

    Happy hitting!

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2018 8:07 AM

    Is there a single chart easy to read, easy to understand how to advance tier levels?


    Would save alot of duplicate answers for this questions.

    Use this:


    All you need to know courtesy of EasyEdward.



  • Sashakat11
    4 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2018 12:41 PM

    This is very helpful info. However, I magically got bumped up to Master but I have never averaged lower than 71 as a Tour Pro. I have played a lot of the WGT tournaments, but never have done well enough to lower my average. So it seems like there must be other factors they use to bump people to Master level without having a 67 or lower average.

    Now that I've been at Master tier for a month, I am averaging just above 70, but I can't imagine how I will average 64 to get to the next level up. It doesn't bother me because I just want to play with similar skill level players. But I don't really know how they decide you should level up.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2018 11:01 PM

    it seems like there must be other factors they use to bump people to Master level without having a 67 or lower average.
    Have you read the linked post till the end?

    Another mechanism affects only mobile players.

    They may be moved up by reaching certain XP levels, since the special "mobile" games are considered practice rounds and do not count to any stats. This is the reason that we can see players above "Hack" tier with 150 averages - they haven't played a single ranked round.

  • brekee
    26 Posts
    Wed, Dec 5 2018 2:12 AM


    Now that I've been at Master tier for a month, I am averaging just above 70, but I can't imagine how I will average 64 to get to the next level up. It doesn't bother me because I just want to play with similar skill level players. But I don't really know how they decide you should level up.

    Next tier up at 63 avg.

    I know two easy  ways reaching the 63 avg.

    1 Some MatchPlay wins against a TourMaster (have to be completed, no quits).

    2 Making CC tournaments.


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