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Re: WGT Has Lost One Of The Good Ones

Sun, Sep 7 2014 2:15 PM (30 replies)
  • davidplews
    3,459 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 2:15 PM


    Posted this in a different thread yeterday - because I didn't realise this one was here

    I make no apologies for repeating it  -   it belongs here with all his other friends' eulogies......

    Please just take a minute to reflect on a friend of mine who passed away last Friday.

     Papadimples I knew him as  -  like most friends on here I only knew that he was a fine sport - liked funny banter - and suffered the same slings and arrows we all do.

    Some knew him better - some not at all - but we can all spare a few seconds to wish him smooth meterage wherever his final destination.

    Go with grace Papadimples - may the world remember you with a smile


    Thank-you for your time
