Here's another little script that some of you might find useful.
Running the script gives you three shortcuts.
Windows key + m
This is a toggle, puts the Unity game in and out of fullscreen. (Maximize & restore down).
Windows key + t
This is a toggle, sets or unsets a window to stay always on top.
Windows key + x
Exit script. Shortcut keys will no longer function.
The always on top shortcut will make the currently active window stay always on top, and it may add the word 'Top' to the window title. If you apply the shortcut again to the same window, it will remove the always on top and the word 'Top', if there, from the title bar. If the word 'Top' does not show in the window title bar, then it should appear in a tooltip when hovering over that window's taskbar icon...

The always on top is not permanent. When you close any application that you have applied the always on top to, the feature will be removed from that application.
You can apply always on top to as many windows as you like, but don't go mad. If every window has always on top, then they will behave like no window has always on top. That might sound crackers, but just think about it.
The script is written so that you cannot apply the always on top to the Unity game window.
The maximize/restore down shortcut only works on the Unity game and does what the maximize/restore down button would do on most windows. Although that button is disabled in the Unity game...

...this shortcut gives you back that functionality. (Note : this does not re-enable the disabled game window button).
As similar as this shortcut may appear to be as my other fullscreen script, it does differ.
My other fullscreen script looks at your set up and resizes the game window to fullscreen without covering up your taskbar.
This shortcut, although it maximizes the game window and the taskbar is not visible, it still allows you to alt + tab through your other open programs without removing the game screen from view and therefore is not as hostile as the Unity game's own fullscreen option. Used in conjunction with the always on top shortcut, you can keep whatever windows you want, visible on top of the game screen at all times.
If you already have AutoHotkey installed, then you only need to download and run this ⇩ script to get the always on top and maximize/restore down shortcuts
Always on top and maximize-restore down script for use with AHK
If you dont have AutoHotkey installed and you don't want it, then you can get the shortcuts by installing and running the program below ⇩.
Always on top and maximize-restore down script for use without AHK
If you don't have AutoHotkey but would like it, there are instructions on where to find it and how to install it, HERE.
AutoHotkey is a very versatile Windows scripting program and the script I have described above is just a tiny example of the kind of thing it can do.
If you wish to view the contents of the script, that can be seen HERE.