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Re: Scott's tips.

Fri, Nov 29 2024 12:49 PM (767 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2019 2:22 AM
    Forum Search : Link

    Want to direct someone to the forum search without using >>>>?

    Then give them a link...

    Or make it a clicky using the 'Insert/Edit link' button on the toolbar...


    Or make it real fancy and turn it into a button by adding the class...   'button_green'   ...via the HTML editor

    <a href=""


    The button styling may not show in the message editor when you add the class, but once posted, it will.

    ⇩ EDIT : Thank you Don.  ; ) ⇩

  • TopShelf2010
    10,970 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2019 3:14 AM

    Bloody outstanding Scott.


    Great job



  • craigswan
    32,198 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2019 3:43 AM

    What is it?


    It's called Xtra-PC and if you have an old, slow computer, it is exactly what you've been waiting for..

    Is this any good guys .

    Any one got experience of it or would I be better buying new computer .

    I do everything now on I-pad but need laptop and mouse for playing wgt mainly .

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2019 3:59 AM

    Craig, there appears to be more bad reviews for this product than good ones. My advice would be to steer clear of these miracle fixes for old computers and put your money into a jar to save up for a new PC.  ; )

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Wed, Sep 11 2019 12:55 AM

    Something to play when WGT is down, (For Chrome browser only).


    a link doesn't seem to work so you'll just have to type or copy & paste it into the address bar.


    Press the UP ARROW key or SPACEBAR to START and JUMP.

    Press the DOWN ARROW key to DUCK.

    Press the ALT key to PAUSE.

    Also works with no internet connection.

    Enjoy.  ; )

    ⇩ EDIT : Miss them no more Don.  ; ) ⇩

  • TopShelf2010
    10,970 Posts
    Wed, Sep 11 2019 6:02 AM


    Something to play when WGT is down, (For Chrome browser only).


    a link doesn't seem to work so you'll just have to type or copy & paste it.


    Press the up arrow key or spacebar to start and jump.

    Press the down arrow key to duck.

    Also works with no internet connection.

    Enjoy.  ; )

    Kick Ass !!!


    Man do i miss the days of games like that.




  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2019 1:38 AM

    Multiple Friends Delete v2

    Text instructions immediately below, video instructions at the end.

    If you want to delete 100's or even 10's of friends, then this is for you. All you need is your browser and a few spare minutes.

    Navigate your way to your 'view all' friends page...

    ...if you have more than 99 friends, you will have multiple 'view all' pages. If you wish to delete friends from more than one of these pages, start with the highest numbered page first.

    Run The Program :

    Copy the blue javascript below...


    Open the browser developer tools on your friends 'view all' page, by right clicking and selecting 'inspect' or 'inspect element' from the menu.

    Click the 'console' tab in the developer tools and paste the copied javascript into the console window, then hit enter on your keyboard. (You may have to get quite close to the prompt/text cursor in the console window for the paste to be allowed).

    Select Your Friends :

    If you scroll down to the bottom of your friends page you should see three buttons and a total selected counter. If you click on any of your friends pictures, a prohibited symbol will appear on their picture marking them for deletion, the selected counter will also update.

    If you want to unselect a friend, click them a second time and the prohibited symbol will be removed. You can unselect all selected friends by clicking the 'clear all' button, and of course you can select all friends on the page by clicking the 'select all' button.

    If you wish to go to any friends profile page, hold down the control key while clicking their picture, this will prevent the prohibition symbol being added or removed.

    Delete Your Friends :

    When you have selected all the friends you want to remove, click the 'delete selected' button. This will pop up a confirm message, informing you how many friends you are about to delete and if you want to continue. If you have not selected any friends, the message will inform you of that.

    If you click 'OK' to confirm the delete, then your selected friends will be deleted, so make sure you want to delete them.

    Additional Info And Video :

    If you want to delete friends on another page, go to that page and repeat the process.

    You can recall script previously pasted into the console, by hitting the up arrow key on your keyboard when the console window has focus. This can save a bit of time when re-entering the code in blue above.

    A new video will be available in a few days.
  • craigswan
    32,198 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2019 3:37 AM


  • craigswan
    32,198 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2019 3:38 AM


  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Thu, Oct 10 2019 1:55 PM

    Flash Rollback

    If you wish to uninstall flash to install an older version, you need to download adobe's uninstaller HERE and follow the instructions on that page carefully.

    Then, find yourself an old version of flash HERE (scroll past the developers only archives and use the next group for your choice) and download that.

    To install flash, double click the downloaded zip file, or use whatever method you like to unzip it. If there is more than one folder in the unzipped file, double click the one that doesn't have 'debug' in its name.

    There may be a lot of files in this folder, some are for linux users, some for mac users and the rest are for windows users. The filename of each will give you a clue as to which ones are right for your operating system.

    Out of the group of files which are for you, the end of the filename indicates what kind of flash player will be installed when you double click it.

    win.exe or win.msi is the NPAPI flash player for windows.
    winax.exe or winax.msi is the activeX flash player for windows for IE.
    winpep.exe or winpep.msi is the PPAPI pepperflash player for windows.
    win_sa.exe is a standalone flash player. I'm guessing that this runs outside of a browser environment. Might be wise to Google it for more details if you think you need this.

    You can use either the .exe files or the .msi files to install what you need. Ultimately they both achieve the same end result.

    (You can install one or more of the flash files).