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Re: Scott's tips.

Fri, Nov 29 2024 12:49 PM (767 replies)
  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Tue, Apr 26 2016 5:06 AM

    Love the pairings Scott, game 4, MM vs CC would be well worth the admission :)

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Apr 26 2016 6:30 AM


    Love the pairings Scott, game 4, MM vs CC would be well worth the admission :)

    That would be the best jello wrestling match EVER!


  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Tue, Apr 26 2016 7:51 AM

    I never imagined that a post about fonts would lead to thoughts of ladies wrestling in jelly, (Wrestlng in jelly?  That'll ruin your barnet for sure). Haha!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Apr 26 2016 8:57 AM

    Jello is what Americans call jelly, they call jam, jelly. Go figure.

    Jam would be too sticky I'd imagine (and believe me I have).

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2016 1:54 AM

    Tip for imgur users. By adding a single modifier letter to the end of your image URL, you can change the size of your posted image, for example...

    Direct link example:

    Square image, 90 pixels x 90 pixels, add an 's':
    (memory aid) small square

    Square image, 160 pixels x 160 pixels, add a 'b':
    big square

    Original aspect ratio, 160 pixels, add a 't':

    Original aspect ratio, 320 pixels, add an 'm':
    medium thumbnail

    Original aspect ratio, 640 pixels, add an 'l' (lower case 'L'):
    large thumbnail

    Original aspect ratio, 1024 pixels, add an 'h':
    huge thumbnail

    Something to note when posting imgur images...

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 3:21 AM
    If you like to copy and paste Country Club members data into a spreadsheet, it's a bit of a pain to get the join date out because it's in a screen tip, and like the last round date, they're both in a US date style (Month.Day.Year), which is a format that Excel for example, doesn't recognize as a date until you do some excel stuff.


    So I have written a little Javascript routine that obtains the join date from the screentip and gets the members
    country name, and adds them to a new table that opens in a new browser tab.

    I've also added a button that allows you to switch the date format between USA style (Month/Day/Year) and the format that most other countries use (Day/Month/Year). Hopefully this will help Excel (other spreadsheets are available) to recognise the information as a date upon pasting it into your spreadsheet.


    While viewing your chosen CC members table, apply the javascript by pressing the F12 function key (or CTRL + SHIFT + i) to open the developer tools in your browser. Then select the Console tab, copy the javascript at this location and paste it into the Console at the prompt, then hit enter (or click the green play button if using IE), you can now close the Console [X].

    The new table doesn't have any sort functions (that's beyond my current abilities), but once you've copy and pasted the table data into your spreadsheet, you can manipulate it to your hearts content. Hope it works for you.  : )

    // *** SHOW CC MEMBERS JOIN DATE v27.08.2017.1 ***
    var joindatescript = document.createElement("script");
  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Sun, Nov 13 2016 5:02 AM
    Scroll Boxes

    The trick to scrolling boxes is that the HTML element must be smaller than what it contains.

    (The text in the pale green boxes (left) shows the HTML code for the yellow paragraph next to it).

    I have given the blue text below a black border & yellow background to show the whole paragraph element. This first paragraph element does not have a specific height applied to it, and because of that it will automatically expand to accommodate the amount of text that it contains and therefore will not have scrollbars.

    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor...</p>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras finibus accumsan magna, quis sagittis risus tempus quis. Cras ultrices ultrices efficitur. Phasellus ut odio viverra, lobortis tortor vel, faucibus arcu. Aenean dictum lacus faucibus risus bibendum efficitur. Donec dignissim mauris ut augue mollis, sed aliquam dolor consectetur. Aenean lorem elit, vulputate non faucibus ac, ullamcorper vitae nibh. Nunc sapien nulla, tincidunt id blandit accumsan, pretium sit amet lectus. Ut eu lectus ultrices, lobortis ligula a, eleifend metus. Mauris justo purus, vehicula sed fringilla vitae, tincidunt vel mi. Vestibulum sit amet tempor mauris. Nunc mauris nibh, fermentum nec volutpat luctus, luctus eget tortor. Mauris semper leo id sapien dictum tempor. Phasellus dapibus felis nunc.

    The next paragraph element below has a value of 100px applied to its height property. The reason the text appears outside of the bottom of the paragraph element is because the paragraph element overflow property has a default value of visible, therefore the text overflows out of the bottom of the paragraph element but remains visible.

    <p style="height:100px;">Lorem ipsum dolor...</p>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras finibus accumsan magna, quis sagittis risus tempus quis. Cras ultrices ultrices efficitur. Phasellus ut odio viverra, lobortis tortor vel, faucibus arcu. Aenean dictum lacus faucibus risus bibendum efficitur. Donec dignissim mauris ut augue mollis, sed aliquam dolor consectetur. Aenean lorem elit, vulputate non faucibus ac, ullamcorper vitae nibh. Nunc sapien nulla, tincidunt id blandit accumsan, pretium sit amet lectus. Ut eu lectus ultrices, lobortis ligula a, eleifend metus. Mauris justo purus, vehicula sed fringilla vitae, tincidunt vel mi. Vestibulum sit amet tempor mauris. Nunc mauris nibh, fermentum nec volutpat luctus, luctus eget tortor. Mauris semper leo id sapien dictum tempor. Phasellus dapibus felis nunc.
    The paragraph element below has a value of 105px applied to its height property and it also has a value of hidden applied to its overflow property, therefore the text that overflows out of the paragraph element is hidden. It's still there in the HTML code, but you just can't see it.
    <p style="height:105px; overflow:hidden">
    Lorem ipsum dolor...</p>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras finibus accumsan magna, quis sagittis risus tempus quis. Cras ultrices ultrices efficitur. Phasellus ut odio viverra, lobortis tortor vel, faucibus arcu. Aenean dictum lacus faucibus risus bibendum efficitur. Donec dignissim mauris ut augue mollis, sed aliquam dolor consectetur. Aenean lorem elit, vulputate non faucibus ac, ullamcorper vitae nibh. Nunc sapien nulla, tincidunt id blandit accumsan, pretium sit amet lectus. Ut eu lectus ultrices, lobortis ligula a, eleifend metus. Mauris justo purus, vehicula sed fringilla vitae, tincidunt vel mi. Vestibulum sit amet tempor mauris. Nunc mauris nibh, fermentum nec volutpat luctus, luctus eget tortor. Mauris semper leo id sapien dictum tempor. Phasellus dapibus felis nunc.

    The paragraph element below has a value of 100px applied to its height property and the overflow property has a value of auto applied to it. This auto value hides the content overflow, but adds scrollbars to enable you to see the hidden content.

    <p style="height:100px; overflow:auto">
    Lorem ipsum dolor...</p>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras finibus accumsan magna, quis sagittis risus tempus quis. Cras ultrices ultrices efficitur. Phasellus ut odio viverra, lobortis tortor vel, faucibus arcu. Aenean dictum lacus faucibus risus bibendum efficitur. Donec dignissim mauris ut augue mollis, sed aliquam dolor consectetur. Aenean lorem elit, vulputate non faucibus ac, ullamcorper vitae nibh. Nunc sapien nulla, tincidunt id blandit accumsan, pretium sit amet lectus. Ut eu lectus ultrices, lobortis ligula a, eleifend metus. Mauris justo purus, vehicula sed fringilla vitae, tincidunt vel mi. Vestibulum sit amet tempor mauris. Nunc mauris nibh, fermentum nec volutpat luctus, luctus eget tortor. Mauris semper leo id sapien dictum tempor. Phasellus dapibus felis nunc.


    Summary : For an element to show scrollbars...

    1) Its height and or width have to be specified.
    2) The overflow property has to be set to auto or scroll.
    3) The contents must be too big for the element.

  • Essisdaddy
    5,883 Posts
    Fri, Nov 25 2016 1:57 AM

    On posting images...

    I've tried for so long and have to accept defeat.

    Your example:





    I realise that in order to lose the white space and to not lose the right edge of the image this is needed,


    but sadly it's beyond me  - may one enquire as to the how, sir?

  • craigswan
    32,198 Posts
    Fri, Nov 25 2016 2:18 AM

    just do what I do .

    Ignore scott and post it anyway .

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Fri, Nov 25 2016 2:19 AM

    @Craig, lol.  ; )

    Phil, would you like to post your butterfly image in this thread and then I can try to explain how to modify the HTML so that it fits perfectly.