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Shots being short for no reason

Tue, Jun 30 2020 4:38 PM (21 replies)
  • Nicole161106
    281 Posts
    Tue, Jun 30 2020 12:31 PM

    Couldn't find another thread to put this, so this one will do hopefully.

    Just played at Oakmont, 8th hole tee shot, 8-10 wind at 11 o'clock, hit driver about 94% ish.

    It flew the green completely, never touched it, and disappeared into the wild blue yonder, no idea how far, but miles away, OB lost ball.

    This was on the NV, but it was a normal weekly tourney and none of these silly enhancements were in play.

    Just a bit baffled and never complained about any weird shots before, so, any ideas?

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Jun 30 2020 4:38 PM


    Couldn't find another thread to put this, so this one will do hopefully.

    Just played at Oakmont, 8th hole tee shot, 8-10 wind at 11 o'clock, hit driver about 94% ish.

    It flew the green completely, never touched it, and disappeared into the wild blue yonder, no idea how far, but miles away, OB lost ball.

    This was on the NV, but it was a normal weekly tourney and none of these silly enhancements were in play.

    Just a bit baffled and never complained about any weird shots before, so, any ideas?

    Getting some weird shots lately. I'm not losing balls, but shots are not doing what they are supposed to be doing.

    I think they cranked up the VEM for us.