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Draws and Fades?

Sat, Oct 16 2021 9:51 AM (43 replies)
  • Darryl6520
    4 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2018 10:06 PM

    I haven't been playing all that long (lvl 49)  and recently bought the TaylorMade R1 driver. It hits the ball tons, and sometimes it would be nice to draw or fade the ball with some control. If I hit right or left of the mark, it seems to pull or push the ball rather than give it a bend which doesn't help on a dogleg and I end up hitting through the fairway. Am I missing something?

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 8:31 AM

    The driver is the only club that can make a slight draw or fade.

    Scott has confirmed this.

    The best way I've achieved a draw or fade is by aiming the opposite of the way you ding it.

    e.g. if you're going to fade (hit late, past ding, right) your aim in farther left.

    Try it!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 8:32 AM

    Yes, you won't see a bend in a shot arc because of the way the game is rendered BUT you will get the same result as a true draw or fade.  What you see as a push or pull is this game's version of what you're looking for. And it is quite effective, especially when used in conjunction with the wind direction.

    BPB#2 is a good example. You can hit the fairway off the tee by hitting the last line before the ding. The shot will appear to go right through the tree but if you watch someone do it in reverse view, you see how it clears the tree and turns. 

    There are many driving holes where missing the ding appropriately on purpose will get you what you want. It's not perfect but it works.  :-)

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 12:36 PM
    Contrary to the advice above, you can get a visible bend in a shot arc, and achieve it with irons as well as woods. Just hit towards the final 3/4s of the darker blue zones of the swing meter, and allow for a 10-20yd distance loss. It's a risky shot, because if you hit too near the end of the darker blue zone, you'll completely mis-hit it. If you hit too near the middle of the darker blue zone, the shot can just push or pull without bending. But the option is there if you badly need it.
  • Darryl6520
    4 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 2:48 PM

    Thanks, I'll play around with it, but I'll definitely look at going for larger mis-hits although it feels so counterintuitive. As long as I get the roll in the direction the ball comes in I'll be happy. It's frustrating when you pound your drive and are rewarded with a shot from the first cut.

  • Darryl6520
    4 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 2:54 PM

    Thanks, I'll be less concerned now when I see a shot heading toward the trees. From this and other responses it seems it's a pretty inexact science, but no risk, no reward, right?

  • el3n1
    4,502 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 3:15 PM

    It's frustrating when you pound your drive and are rewarded with a shot from the first cut.

    Some holes 3wd can be a better option of the tee, there is nothing that says you have to pound your driver every single hole. 

    Yes, you can sometimes work it over or around trees as described above but if you are adding too many "variables" to the mix you could find taking that "high risk" shot takes what should be a birdie hole into a bogey hole because you caught it a touch early or late of your miss ding and ended with an even worse result.  Also, which tee box you are playing from can also dictate whether trees are in play or not as well as whether you have  a med or high trajectory club.  Not to mention the conditions and the wind direction.

  • Darryl6520
    4 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 4:21 PM

    I'm not against laying up, but sometimes when it can make the difference between a 7 vs a 3 iron into a tricky green or give a chance to reach a par 5 in 2 it's nice to have the option.

  • KCoop00
    82 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 5:06 PM

    Hitting a Draws shot, aim your tee shot far as you can to right. Now you must click the meter in the dark blue way before the ding and the same for a  Fades shot. 

    501 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2018 8:27 PM

    The draw or fade physics not exist in this game, yes... you can ''simulate'' this by making an early or past hit of the ding, but takin in count the ding & the meter itself only act as power & presicion, if you not hit the ding that means two things...less power due not a presice swing, deviation & short distance than ''perfect'' could be

    So...draw & fade are fake, as lot of the physics in this game