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Missing Credits from Country club tournament

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 24 2020 11:37 PM (7 replies)
  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Thu, Apr 26 2018 11:16 PM

    We had our Master's Tournament which finished few days ago. We havnt had any of the credits from the prize fund paid out. Normally CC tournaments pay out straight away so im guessing this is some bug. Please look into this please. 

    Ta Will.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,899 Posts
    Fri, Apr 27 2018 4:39 AM


  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Sun, Apr 29 2018 1:29 PM

    Normally country club tournaments are instant, We have had others finish after this certain one and had payouts for them. This was our major so alot of credits, coincidence? I think its a bug and hasnt registered them for the prize pool even though it has as says so on the information part.

  • JimQ91660
    3,898 Posts
    Tue, Jan 21 2020 3:06 PM

    Hi all.....We recently had a CC tournament where the total purse was 780 credits to be paid to the top 10 finishers. The tournament ended 1/14 (a week ago) but still no payout to those members who finished 10th or better. The creator of the tournament contacted WGT last week but received no reply, so he asked me (as the CC owner) to give it a go to have them awarded. I sent an e-mail to WGT (complete with screen shots) but haven't been replyed to yet. I also sent them a message through the "Contact Support" tab, but couldn't include screen shots there, but I explained everything in depth. I'm at a loss....can anyone help me with how to get these credits given to those who won them? Our CC usually runs 3 - 4 "pay to enter" tournaments recurringly, with the creators of them throwing their own credits (500 in this case) into the pot, and our members enjoy playing them, but they're very hesitant (won't) to set up any more until this is corrected and they're sure this isn't a glitch that's going to happen all the time. Because any of our torny makers won't set these "premium" tornys up right now, our members are denied the pleasure of playing them. Here's the screen shots I took today (again, 1 week after the torny ended):




    In addition to that, the same torny creator set up a tiered tournament (H's - TM's) where he put 250 credits into the pot. This tournament had -0- entries!!!!! He contacted WGT about this also but he was told that they weren't going to return his credits.....that's just the way it was. There's no valid reason they can give for not returning those credits to wasn't his fault no-body entered!!!!! He would have had no problem if just 1 member entered and claimed the whole purse, but having WGT just take those credits is just plain wrong. He wasn't able to make sure he got them back by playing a round because he made it a Tiered tournament where he was locked out of because he's a Champion....he wasn't able to. WGT is telling him those credits are gone....they're not gone, it's just $2.50 in their coffers. Here's the screen shots I took (and also sent to WGT) of the tournament, which also ended a week ago:

    Someone please help us (Champ, Icon or someone)....please. I've run into a brick wall and I just want to have all of these credits awarded for the 1st tournament and refunded to DufferJohn7 for the 2nd. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated,

    Jim (JimQ91660....CC Owner of "Jolly Jim's Casual Country Club")



  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Tue, Jan 21 2020 11:31 PM

    Someone please help us (Champ, Icon or someone)....please.
    You'd have to post on their walls, I suppose.

    The payout for the first tournament may appear after another week or so, but I'm afraid that tourney purses have been sacked by WGT before, when there was no winner.

    Crossing my fingers for you!

  • TopShelf2010
    10,899 Posts
    Wed, Jan 22 2020 3:46 PM


  • DufferJohn7
    3,575 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2020 9:49 PM

    Quick follow-up, I was the host for these tournaments and WGT took good care of us. They paid the winnings for the first tournament as adjustments in the credit account of all the winners. They even refunded me the credits I put up for the tournament with no entries. I never expected that.

    Thank you to WGT!

    We often complain when things don't go the way we think they should. This is a case where WGT went beyond expectations.

    Have fun and hit em straight,


    PS: I never understand the reluctance of Hacks to Tour Masters to play premium tournaments that are challenging. Oh well.

  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2020 11:37 PM

    Good news!

    (releasing my fingers)