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*No Clash This Week*

Thu, Apr 16 2020 6:16 AM (116 replies)
  • jason01291
    411 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2018 3:53 AM

    Well kudos to you and your club

    If they introduce set of the week sure I willl not play like I used to earlier

    Many would be doing the same

    It certainly decrease participation and I hope they revert this decision

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2018 5:38 AM

    I almost bet they will equip our regular ball. I'll equip a different ball before I go to bed next week.

    You made a very good point HackWilson

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2018 5:53 AM

    Or are all SOTW games played with starter balls?

    The way it is now you play with whatever you equip. I highly doubt WGT would change that, given the sales factor. In fact, I would venture to guess that a player wanting every advantage would probably look at equipping the best ball with the inferior clubs.

  • Robert1893
    7,666 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2018 6:28 AM


    Don't remember saying I was a great golfer...( just that you're not skilled and it isn't the SOTW clubs fault )...I guess the truth can hurt. ;/                            *Edited*

    " A bad workman, always blames his tools "

    As for answering the rest of the post, I'll take a pass...

    You seem one of those passive aggressive characters,whose novella like posts can easily lead to moderation,if responding in kind.

    I think you have a completely wrong reading of el3n1. He's a good person and a very good player.

    And as far as the "bad workman blaming his tools," the metaphor doesn't work here. And the reason is that a set-of-the-week is not that workman's tools. The tools are someone else's that workman is most likely unfamiliar with.

    So, if a workman is given a set of tools that he's unfamiliar with, then it's not unreasonable to suggest that could lead to results that do not reflect the workman's abilities or talents.  

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2018 6:28 AM

    Lol, If they equipped a starter ball someone would lose their job.

  • Vaibhav5viv
    886 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2018 9:13 AM

    He's a good person and a very good player.

    Probably, but he's been quite a bit off base on this thread. His initial post hardly screamed calling for a constructive response, while the subsequent post where he explains his troubles is a lot of whataboutery. 

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2018 9:49 AM
    No clash this week? I think I'll just curl up and die.
  • Ladychipper
    22,686 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2018 11:23 AM

    Positive perspective

    Time you spend being resentful is time you’ll never spend being joyful. Energy you consume by worrying is energy you cannot use to move forward.

    You decide what gets to you and you decide what doesn’t. You decide what merits a response and what that response will be.

    The world around you may often seem angry and divisive. But that in no way forces you to be angry and divisive too.

    It’s in your best interest to consider your best interest before doing whatever you do. Almost always, your interest is better served by positive intention than by negative reaction.

    Kindness, compassion, and understanding toward others is also great kindness toward yourself. Ease away from the burdens of blame and retribution, and reward your spirit with forgiveness and love.

    Resolve to be a source of goodness rather than a receptacle of negativity. Live with a positive perspective, and live at your highest level.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Mythanatos
    2,203 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2018 3:02 PM

    arguing sklll in a clash no matter what the set up is kind of pointless. 

    a Clash has very little  to do with skill and everything to do with volume. Only in a small club vs small club would skill come into play.

    Take the top 50 scores with no multiple scores by same player or top 100 scores no restrictions.

    either way would be a better way to determine overall winner.