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Recent Winners on WGT

Wed, Nov 13 2013 2:10 PM (85 replies)
  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sat, Aug 10 2013 7:46 PM

    all that comes to mind is WGT lol

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 2:51 AM

    Edit: Have they been booted?  You can click their names in the original post and it takes you to their profiles but searching doesn't find anyone with those names.  If so, thank you WGT, that's a bit less dead wood on the tree.

    Think you may be right, promising talent nipped in the bud.

    More seriously though it got me wondering.  

    I'd admit to not bring entirely sure what to look at, but the last activity I can see for either is in June.  If they were they kicked then when did this happen and specifically was it before they "won" the competition?  Did the prize go to the next players in that tier?

    Would it be possible to split the remaining credits (could sell their clubs too) of such players to those who lost out in ready go's, start with the last one they played and upgrade everyone below them by a place for example.

    Suppose not really, a lot of work just to give credits away.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 3:09 AM

    They really don't help themselves. They awarded first prize the other week to someone who shot a 60 in their first ranked round. It was at Cabo in a single play tournament. You have to feel sorry for the genuine player that came 2nd.

  • Fredddddy
    177 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 3:48 AM

    The first two winners in the R1 challenge are so good that they outshoot many tour legends that's incredible,comeon WGT just look at their score history , they are shooting in the 50's in ready goes exactly the reason many more don't waste their money trying cause these people are the future of WGT very sad you let this continue!

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 5:17 AM

    They really don't help themselves.

    I have looked again and can see no sign of either of them having played since May and as MainzMan said if you look them up by name they are no longer listed.  I too reckon they have been banned.

    Strangely in August they are announced as "winners", surely this means prizes are being sent to frozen accounts.  Or were these prizes sent ages ago?
    Again, I'm not certain about any of this and I'm not sure how best to go about checking when players last played.   
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 5:23 AM

    They really don't help themselves.

    Sorry about the above, no idea what happened but strongly suspect it was my doing..

    It was meant to read; prizes are being sent to frozen accounts and checking when players last played.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 5:33 AM

    Sorry, poor use of English by myself. I meant that WGT do themselves no favours.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 8:52 AM

    What have all the sweepstakes winners got in common?

    They only play a handful of games occasionally, none seem to play every day.

    As for the LEGITIMATE winners...Well done, enjoy the prizes. $500 on e-bay sounds very nice.

    But as many have pointed out there's one or 2 suspicious players, here we go again, de-ja-vu.  I thought WGT would have learnt from the last winners announcement that giving prizes to multi account holders who stick out like a sore thumb to all of us makes the genuine players very angry.  Wgt can you see now why so many players decide to re-start to clear up in tournaments or cheat using devices because It seems they think that cheats are getting rewarded so its like giving them a green light to go ahead and do the same.  "if you cant beat them we might as well join them, because no one seems to get banned so what the hell"

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 9:11 AM

    Well said Chris. 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 11:04 AM


    Sorry, poor use of English by myself. I meant that WGT do themselves no favours.

    Your English was fine, and I think I agree, my habit of going off at a tangent was the problem.

    If (as I suspect) the winners at hack and amateur levels had been banned by the time of the announcement, how much better for WGT to say that rather than still list the names.