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Re: Daily Motivation

Tue, Apr 23 2024 8:50 AM (1,959 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Thu, Dec 5 2019 11:40 AM

    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Highest potential

    You are worthy of the best life has to offer, so take life up on that offer. Decide right now to think, to speak, to feel, to act in ways that fulfill your highest potential.

    There’s more to this day than just getting through it. The moments, the hours, the people, the situations, can all add great richness to your life.

    Sure, life can be messy, troublesome, painful, inconvenient. It’s tempting to hide away from most of the turmoil in a routine that’s comfortable and familiar.

    But that’s not going to bring you much joy, or richness, or fulfillment. You’re capable of more than merely getting by, and you deserve the experience of exploring those capabilities.

    Venture out beyond what you’ve already learned, experienced, and accomplished. Explore new territory and embrace exciting new possibilities.

    Give yourself the opportunity to become an even better version of yourself. Live in the direction of your highest potential, and raise that potential ever higher.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Fri, Dec 6 2019 11:19 AM

    Friday, December 6, 2019

    Choose enthusiasm

    Enthusiasm makes life more alive. Give yourself some right now.

    Enthusiasm makes you more effective, more fun to be around, more persuasive. Enthusiasm adds powerful positive energy to everything you do.

    And the great secret about enthusiasm is this. You can choose to be enthusiastic no matter what the circumstance may be.

    It’s natural to assume that before you can be enthusiastic, you need something to be enthusiastic about. But the fact is, enthusiasm can create its own catalysts, its own objects of expression.

    You don’t need a wonderful, positive situation to be enthusiastic about. You can choose enthusiasm, and employ that enthusiasm to create the positive situation.

    Whatever the circumstance, you’ll put yourself at an advantage with enthusiasm. So choose enthusiasm, and put its positive power to work today.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Sat, Dec 7 2019 1:08 PM

    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    See it as a mission

    Get yourself on your own side. Align your attitude with your own best interests.

    As bothersome, frustrating, and inconvenient as the effort may be, see it not as a struggle. See it as a mission, one you’re fully on board with.

    Don’t waste your energy fighting against yourself and your own attitude. Focus your energy on making real progress.

    Remind yourself that you’re doing what must be done. That’s a good thing.

    The path is difficult, and yet you’re making headway. The cost is high, yet you’re able to pay the cost, bear the burden, and make a difference.

    This is no time to drain your energy by feeling sorry for yourself. You’re on a worthy mission, and working to add real value to life.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Mon, Dec 9 2019 12:10 PM

    Monday, December 9, 2019

    Get through the middle

    Starting a new effort is exciting, and successfully finishing is even more exciting. The real challenge is getting through the middle.

    When the thrill of starting out has faded, you can be in danger of losing interest. When the goal is still a long way off, it’s all too easy to give up.

    If you wish to achieve, you must prepare yourself for the long, dreary, demanding middle. That’s where the achievement gains its value and substance.

    Keep that in mind as you work tirelessly through the middle. As tedious as it may seem, the work you’re doing is adding up, step by step by step.

    Get through the middle, and you’ll see the achievement taking shape. Get through the middle, and your goal will grow ever closer and brighter on the horizon.

    Before you begin, make the commitment to get through the middle. That commitment will take you all the way to the achievement you desire.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2019 12:43 PM

    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    Get your energy flowing

    Don’t just sit there and think about it. Get up, get going, and put your thoughts into action.

    Inject new energy into this moment. Move around, and focus that motion on a useful purpose.

    Engage the potential energy that lives inside you. The more energy you use, the more you’ll have.

    Thoughts, feelings, wishes, desires, regrets, ideas, all are bouncing around inside you. Turn your intention in a specific direction, harness all that energy, and do something with it.

    Burn some of those calories you’ve been storing away. Express some of those dreams you’ve been nurturing inside.

    You’re filled with potential energy, just waiting to be put to use. Discover for yourself, right now, how great it feels to get that energy flowing.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Wed, Dec 11 2019 1:15 PM

    Wednesday, December 11, 2019


    Eventually you’re going to be interrupted. Until then, stay focused.

    Don’t let yourself be interrupted by your own fear of being interrupted. Accept that the interruptions will come, and press forward undeterred by that eventuality.

    Focus now, but not out of desperation. Focus now, and let that focus be powered by your love of making a difference.

    Whatever it is you seek to do, life will at some point get in the way. But don’t let that possibility inhibit you, because you’re good at successfully dealing with the obstacles.

    Even when you expect the best, unexpected events can knock you off track. Expect the best anyway, work toward it, and build a level of momentum that enables you to recover quickly.

    You will be interrupted, and that’s okay. Because before the interruption comes, and after it quickly goes, you have good work to do.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Thu, Dec 12 2019 8:33 AM

    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    Fully prepared

    The race is won long before the race is run. The race is won in the preparation.

    An accomplished actor earns the role long before the audition. Preparation is what makes the crucial difference.

    Those who pass the test with flying colors are those who learn and study and rehearse in the time leading up to the test. Impressive excellence and committed preparation go hand in hand.

    When life asks for your highest effort, you must give that effort in the moment. To do that, be fully prepared.

    You cannot allow preparation to become a substitute for actual doing. But neither can you allow yourself to avoid preparation.

    Be fully prepared ahead of time. And be fully able when the moment calls you to make a difference.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2019 11:35 AM

    Friday, December 13, 2019

    Add to it

    Be thankful for your most recent achievement. But don’t let yourself become too impressed with it.

    Celebrate the victories, enjoy the good times, but don’t let the celebrations dominate your life. You have much more good work to be done.

    Find great joy in each moment without allowing that joy to become a permanent refuge. Instead, let it be an inspiration, a challenge, to create new goodness.

    The more progress you make, the bigger is your temptation to grow complacent. Don’t give in to that temptation.

    Remind yourself that the advances you’ve made have created opportunities to do even more. The good work you’ve done is calling upon you to add to it.

    You’re at your best when you’re making a difference. With gratitude, with joy, with positive purpose, keep up the good work.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Sat, Dec 14 2019 2:43 PM

    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    Next time

    This time, you made a mistake. Next time, you’ll know better.

    This time, you let anger get the best of you. Next time, you’ll be able to respond differently.

    You’ve said things you wish you had not said, and done things you soon came to regret. Fortunately, there’s next time.

    Next time, you can do better. And the time after that, even better again.

    Next time, you can apply all you’ve learned and experienced. Next time, you can respond with positive purpose, with kindness and understanding, with love.

    As difficult as you’ve made things, you can still make your way forward. Next time begins now, and now you begin to make things better.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,684 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2019 8:26 AM

    Monday, December 16, 2019

    Power of determination

    Tomorrow, many of your frustrations can be gone. Because you can do something about them today.

    Tomorrow, many of your goals can be closer. Because today, you can work your way toward them.

    Next week, next month, next year, even more problems can be behind you, even more goals reached. Because every moment provides the opportunity to make progress.

    Are you disappointed right now with some aspect of life? That disappointment is pushing you to make a positive change.

    Feel the disappointment, and along with it, feel the power of your own determination. That power is yours to put to use today.

    The very things that would bring discouragement, can instead drive you into effective action. Accept those shortcomings, and let them activate your own ability to make life much, much better.


    — Ralph Marston