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Re: Daily Motivation

Fri, Apr 19 2024 8:09 AM (1,957 replies)
  • DoctorLarry
    4,276 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2019 1:26 AM

    Time is the currency of life. Spend it wisely.

    It is often the greatest gift that one can give - or receive - as well.

  • Ladychipper
    22,680 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2019 11:11 AM

    For sure DoctorLarry! 


  • Ladychipper
    22,680 Posts
    Sat, Aug 17 2019 11:11 AM

    Saturday, August 17, 2019

    Mutual understanding

    Your opinion is not worth much if you don’t clearly understand and respect opposing opinions. Progress is made by understanding, not by shouting, arguing, vilifying.

    If the other side is being unreasonable, that’s no reason for you to be even more aggressively unreasonable. Instead, be aggressive in your efforts to create understanding.

    Someone has to introduce understanding into the mix, then guide that understanding to cooperation and progress. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it.

    Even the winner of an argument doesn’t really win if the disagreement remains unchanged. There’s no point in proving a point if it fails to result in agreement.

    Mutual understanding is difficult. Yet with work, patience, genuine care, it is almost always possible.

    By far, for everyone concerned, the best way forward is mutual understanding. Let go of your desire to win the argument, and seek instead the much bigger win of mutual understanding.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,680 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2019 8:37 AM

    Monday, August 19, 2019

    Productive day

    You know for a fact that you feel better when you get a lot accomplished. So give yourself the gift of feeling great today by getting to work and staying productive.

    At the end of this day you can know you have made a difference. You can have the satisfaction, energy, and positive attitude that come from focused, sustained effort.

    Set some ambitious, achievable, meaningful goals. As the day moves forward, hold yourself firmly to the achievement of what you’ve chosen to achieve.

    Feel the goodness of working to change the world in positive ways, one step at a time. Explore your skills, challenge them, improve them, and put them to meaningful use.

    Start strong, continue strong, and finish strong. Benefit from how much stronger the effort makes you, and how well it positions you to live life on your own best terms.

    You can do this, you want to do this, and now is when. Today is ready for you to make it the most productive day yet.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,680 Posts
    Tue, Aug 20 2019 7:37 AM

    Tuesday, August 20, 2019

    First minute

    The way to get ahead is to work ahead. Rather than waiting until the last minute, begin your effort at the first possible minute.

    Do what must be done long before it must be done. That frees your time and inspires you to do even more.

    Create a virtuous cycle in which achievement begets more achievement. Jump quickly into action and let each small result inspire you to continue.

    Work ahead, far past what you must do, and into the rich, rewarding realm of what you really want to do. Take pleasure even in the unpleasant tasks, knowing you’ll soon be free to do what you love to do.

    Begin immediately, work ahead, and give yourself a whole lot of great options. Instead of wishing you had more choices, you can be acting on the best choices.

    It all begins when you begin, when you summon the discipline that’s within you, and do the work long before it must be done. Get going at the first minute, and soon you’ll be far ahead.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,680 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2019 12:06 PM

    Wednesday, August 21, 2019

    Next time

    This time, you didn’t get it perfect. And that’s just fine, because next time you can remember.

    Next time, you can remember what went right and what went wrong. And you can be prepared to more effectively deal with both.

    Next time, you can recall the successes you had and the mistakes you made. You’ll have the opportunity to avoid those mistakes and expand on the successes.

    Next time, you’ll have the valuable benefit of experience. Next time you’ll have greater familiarity, more confidence, much less doubt and hesitation.

    Next time you’ll do better, and the time after that, even better. Experience quickly adds up, and quickly adds value, power, effectiveness.

    If at first you don’t succeed, if at first you don’t get it quite right, proceed to next time. Next time, you’ll have the opportunity to improve, and you will.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,680 Posts
    Thu, Aug 22 2019 4:01 PM

    Thursday, August 22, 2019

    Genuine connection

    People everywhere are eager for genuine human connection. Give it generously, without condition, or expectation, or hidden agenda.

    Do you seek to help the world? Then help the person right next to you by connecting, interacting, caring.

    Sure, you have to be careful, a bit wary, with a healthy measure of skepticism. Yet you can be all those things and still be genuine, kind, courteous and friendly.

    Yes, there are some people out to hustle you, take advantage of you, or worse. Mostly, though, the people you encounter simply want to live their lives, solve their problems, and follow their dreams.

    Make life a little less lonely, a little more meaningful, for those around you, and for yourself. Each time you have the chance, make an honest, attentive connection, even if it’s just for a moment or two.

    Add brightness to life by giving your care and consideration to those who are living it along with you. Extend yourself, your empathy, your understanding to others, and live in a more personable world.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,680 Posts
    Fri, Aug 23 2019 8:41 AM

    Friday, August 23, 2019

    Make a start

    Even if it’s not much, make a start. Make a start, and you’ll be inspired to build on it.

    Get on your way, and suddenly you’ll have something valuable, something you didn’t have before. You’ll have the power of momentum on your side.

    Take the first step, cross the first item off your list. You’ll find yourself motivated to get right to work on the second item.

    Get the impetus of your life working in your favor, moving you forward. Get the ball rolling, and make yourself more likely to keep going, less likely to stop.

    Whatever you wish to do, the starting place is here, the starting time is now. Signal the importance of your goal, to yourself and to the world, by making the initial effort, now.

    Make a start, and make it real. Make a start, and you’re making it happen.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,680 Posts
    Sat, Aug 24 2019 8:41 AM

    Saturday, August 24, 2019

    You can get it done

    Cast away your doubts. You can do this.

    Let go of the excuses, the hesitation, the second guessing. Put yourself out there and get the job done.

    You won’t get it all to go perfectly and you won’t get it all done in an instant. Yet you have what it takes to deal with every challenge and to persevere until the work is done.

    When you’re tempted to abandon the effort, that’s when you can make the biggest difference by pushing forward. If the doubts rise back up, remind yourself how far you’ve come and know with utmost confidence that you can keep going.

    Quietly celebrate each small victory and let it intensify your hunger for more. Notice how quickly your confidence grows, and let that realization make you even more confident.

    Learn to find genuine pleasure and fulfillment in the process of achievement. With assurance and competence born of honest, persistent effort, you can get it done.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,680 Posts
    Mon, Aug 26 2019 7:51 AM

    Monday, August 26, 2019

    Intentional choices

    Every good aspect of your life has value because you have time to experience it, enjoy it, make use of it. But is that precious, irreplaceable time being contaminated?

    If you don’t make the specific, intentional choice of how to spend your time, it will be filled in ways that do not serve you well. You’ll leave yourself open to countless sources of interruption, distraction, anxiety, angst, and frustration.

    You live in a physical structure that protects you from cold, rain, wind, and unwanted intruders. Your time would benefit from a similarly protective structure.

    It’s a structure you can impose upon yourself by choosing to do so. Simply decide, in advance, how you’re going to spend your time, and then stick with that decision.

    Give yourself a solid, compelling alternative to the frivolous, meaningless nonsense. And you won’t be tempted to waste one moment of your rich and beautiful life.

    Within your time, build a special, powerful space to live, to love, to learn and experience and achieve. Fill your time with intentional choices, and fill your life with goodness, meaning, and substance.


    — Ralph Marston